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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4910

"Of course I am going to save them! However, we can't afford to be reckless. Before taking action, we should first investigate Bartholomew,"

Austin said. He had been thinking about this for a while.


the chaotic sky-devouring beast responded, nodding his head.

Since he was sure that Austin would save them, he didn't press on any further. He was confident Austin would follow through.

Both Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast used the secret time technique that the infinity beast had taught them to completely alter their appearance and the aura of their spiritual souls.

They then began to wander around and learn as much as they could about both the Time Chamber Sect and Bartholomew.

Time passed slowly.

Pretty soon, months had gone by.

They had finally gathered enough information on both the Time Chamber Sect and Bartholomew after conducting a detailed investigation.

The Time Chamber Sect was a very powerful force in the Absolute Space Sea. They were only slightly inferior to the darkness race.

However, the gap between their strength was very small.

In the Time Chamber Sect, there were a total of nine leaders. Each one of them possessed immense power.

They each ruled at least a dozen of gods of chaos.

They also ruled over numerous governing gods.

Naturally, the power of the nine leaders was very terrifying.

It must be difficult to mobilize dozens of gods of chaos.

"It seems that our enemy will not be easy to deal with,"

Austin sighed. He could feel his head begin to hurt.

The dozens of gods of chaos also possessed immense power. Even just one of them could easily defeat Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast at once.

They had also asked about the location of the space sea where Bartholomew was.

The Reincarnation Palace's leader and the others were imprisoned in that exact same space sea.

If Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast wanted to save those people, they had to enter the space sea that Bartholomew was guarding.

"It will be too difficult. Dozens of gods of chaos and a multitude of governing gods will be too much for just the two of us to handle!

Bartholomew himself is even more terrifying. He is a higher-level god of chaos, the most powerful of them all!

We can't possibly save all those people,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast said to Austin bitterly.

Austin's face also darkened.

The more he got to know about Bartholomew, the more distressed he felt to complete this mission, even with the help of chaotic sky-devouring beast.

Austin racked his brain for a solution. He needed to think fast.

Then he suddenly received a message from the infinity beast.

"I have found your master!"

The content of the message was very simple, but it made Austin extremely excited.

"Oh? The infinity beast has found your master?"

the chaotic heaven devouring beast cried out with excitement.

The fact that the chaotic sky-devouring beast was able to hatch so soon was because of Austin's statue master.

Therefore, the chaotic sky-devouring beast had the utmost respect for him.

"Austin, you may go see your master and the infinity beast. Ask for their advice on how to rescue our companions.

In the state you're in now, it is absolutely impossible for you two to save your friends from dozens of gods of chaos,"

Old Lady Meng advised.


I agree with Madam Meng,"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast echoed, nodding his head.

"Okay. Let's go see my master right away,"

Austin agreed. He let out a small sigh.

He and the chaotic sky-devouring beast immediately set off to the location appointed by the infinity beast. Even though their situation felt bleak, they were ecstatic at the thought of seeing the statue master again.

They traveled by the Time Ship, which helped speed up their journey.


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