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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4925

The reincarnation beast no longer seemed confused. Instead, it was friendly now. It appeared the beast recognized Austin and his companions as members of the reincarnation race.

It then began walking over from afar, towards Austin and the others.

They did not move. They just eyed the reincarnation beast cautiously.

Austin quietly took out a teleportation rune, ready to activate it and get out of there as soon as possible if something went wrong.

Before long, the beast was in front of them and stopped.

"Are you the members of the reincarnation race?"

the reincarnation beast asked, not wasting time with any other formalities.

"Yes, sir. We are members of the reincarnation race,"

Austin replied respectfully, lowering his head as he spoke.

The reincarnation beast was the mount of the three lords of the reincarnation race and so held a high position within the race.

It was often the case that wherever the reincarnation beast appeared, a lord of the reincarnation race was close by.

The beast looked Austin up and down, and did the same to his companions, one by one.

Eventually, his gaze fell on the chaotic sky-devouring beast.

Obviously, the chaotic sky-devouring beast was not a member of reincarnation race. Austin was secretly worried how he should explain the situation to the reincarnation beast.

Luckily, the reincarnation beast only sized him up carefully and did no more.

"Yes, it appears you do belong to the reincarnation race.

I had not expected you little guys to come here,"

said the reincarnation beast after a moment of silence.

"Come with me,"

he added, smiling faintly.

He turned around and strode on ahead swiftly, heading far off into the distance.

"What should we do? Should we follow him or not?"

the others asked, all turning to Austin for guidance.

"Let's go. The reincarnation beast is a member of the reincarnation race, just as we are. He won't cause us any trouble,"

Old Lady Meng said flatly.

"All right then, let's go on and see where he's taking us."

With that, Austin went after the reincarnation beast and fell in behind him.

The others followed as well.

Before them was an area covered in a mysterious thick white mist.

The mist had been condensed and formed by the reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation.

They continued trudging on ahead for a while.

Suddenly, they came upon a towering palace stretching high up into the space ahead of them.

The palace was shrouded in the endless white mist as well.

It was so enormous that it took up a large area of space all on its own.

There was a plaque across the gate with three massive words written on it.

It read: "The Reincarnation Palace."

The reincarnation beast walked up to the gate.

"Oh! It's the Reincarnation Palace!"

Old Lady Meng exclaimed in surprise.

"Madam, what exactly is this Reincarnation Palace?"

Austin asked curiously.

"It's the place where the Lord of Reincarnation cultivated in seclusion!"

Old Lady Meng answered, her voice distant and basking in wonder.

"I see. This is the place where the Lord of Reincarnation cultivates in seclusion!"

Austin repeated, staring at it amazed and excited.

"Both the reincarnation beast and the Reincarnation Palace are in front of us. Is there really a Lord of Reincarnation in there?"

Austin asked with his excitement bubbling up now.

"It's hard to say. During that war all those years ago, the three lords of our reincarnation race all disappeared. No one knows whether they're alive or dead.


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