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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4939

"Master Joaquin, what's happening?" "Master Joaquin, are you all right?"

The governing gods were shouting in the direction of the small world Joaquin had been in.

They did not know his current situation and did not want to risk breaking in without his permission.

But no matter how loud and continuously they screamed, they got no response from Joaquin.

Eventually, they all realized something was wrong.

"Let's go in and see what's going on!"

suggested a governing god.

"Okay, let's check it out!"

The other governing gods nodded in agreement.

However, before they could enter the small world,

a group of people exited, stepping out in front of them.

They were all so young!

It was the team led by Austin, including the chaotic sky-devouring beast and some others.

The governing gods could not help but despise them when they saw how young they were.

A level-eight governing god then stepped forward and inquired, "Who are you? How dare you trespass into Master Joaquin's place of cultivation!

Where is Master Joaquin?

How is he doing?"

Before he could even finish his questioning, a brilliant, bright sword-light hacked at him.

Austin had used his Space-time Free Swordsmanship.

With his improved swordsmanship, the Space-time Free Swordsmanship was far more powerful than before.

The level-eight governing god was startled but reacted quickly. He pointed to the air a black pagoda quickly rushed towards the sword-light.


The pagoda was sent flying backwards.

A horrific slash went through it,

completely destroying the pagoda.

But the sword-light was not done yet, still chasing after the governing god in a relentless pursuit.

"How is that possible?" asked the level-eight governing god, his voice faint and distant.

He was stunned, his face turning pale with fear.

He had not expected the seemingly ordinary young man before him to possess such tremendous strength. That sword-light had now put him in a desperate panic.

"Hey, brat! I'm a member of the Time Chamber Sect. I don't think you've stopped to consider the consequences of attacking me!" growled the governing god at Austin.

He was still doing all he could to escape the sword-light hot on his heels.

Austin then activated a world of mind power that enveloped the governing god.

His foe's body stiffened and his movements immediately slowed.

An immense amount of mind power then charged into his body and started destroying it from the inside.


Austin's sword-light finally caught up and sliced him in half.


Damn it!

How dare you hit me!

You don't know what you've done. You're going to die for this," the governing god cried in anguish.

He then quickly reorganized his body. His face was still pale, his breathing weak. He looked at Austin in horror and roared at him.

The other governing gods were also staring at Austin with fear filling their hearts.

They had discovered, to their dismay, that this young man was terribly strong.

He had effortlessly defeated a level-eight governing god.

"You're the one who's going to die,"

Austin retorted calmly.

Nine black thunder dragons then appeared all at once and rushed at the governing god.

The governing god felt the horrifying aura they emitted and could not stop himself from screeching in terror,

"Help me!"

"Let's do it! We'll fight together!"

The more than a hundred governing gods of the Time Chamber Sect then rushed up at the same time in an attempt to surround Austin.

"Nothing but mere ants,"


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