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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4946

"Are they from the Time Chamber Sect?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast asked.

"Yes. From what I can see, they look like masters from the Time Chamber Sect. And with them are more than twenty gods of chaos,"

Austin replied with a nod.

"What? You have to be joking!

There're more than twenty gods of chaos?"

the chaotic sky-devouring beast, the leader of the Reincarnation Palace, and the others all exclaimed at the same time. Shock was masking all of their faces as the revelation hit them.

They were all aware that they couldn't defeat a single god of chaos. There was no chance they could win against more than twenty of them.

"There's no need to be afraid. We can't defeat the gods of chaos, but I can take you to safety when they arrive.

I promise,"

Austin said confidently.

"I trust you,"

the leader of the Reincarnation Palace replied.

Because Austin had helped her escape from a god of chaos before,

she knew that Austin had a very brilliant teleportation rune that he could use to teleport away from a god of chaos.

"Austin, that's great. I can rest easy now,"

Diego added.

"How about this? You will all enter my human world and I'll take you away when the time comes,"

Austin suggested after thinking for a while.


The chaotic sky-devouring beast and the others nodded.

Then, one at a time, they all entered one of Austin's human worlds.

Now that they were safely tucked away, Austin took out a teleportation rune, but he held off activating it.

First, he wanted to test if the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation he had cultivated could work.

The three Lords of Reincarnation had explained to him that after he successfully cultivated the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation, he could escape with ease from gods of chaos, so he wanted to give it a try.

A moment later, chaos ensued.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

From every direction, several figures trailed by terrifying energy rushed into the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea.

They were all gods of chaos.

There were more than twenty of them and each one of them was so tall that they extended into the sky above them. Every move they made shook the entire Heavenly Spirit Space Sea.

Austin looked around and saw that the space barrier in the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea was constantly collapsing and spreading outwards like a flimsy spider web.

Without a doubt, the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea was going to explode.

With the smallest amount of energy possible, the gods of chaos could easily shatter a space sea.

So they stood in the void almost motionlessly and emitted endless energy pressure.

As they stared at Austin, bitterness filled their eyes.

"This is Austin? I heard that everyone trembles with fear upon hearing your name,"

one of the gods of chaos asked coldly.

"Yes, I am Austin,"

Austin answered calmly, despite facing more than twenty gods of chaos.

"You are bold. Are you not afraid of us?"

another god of chaos asked.

"No. He's not bold. He's ignorant. We are powerful and if he knew that, he would have tucked his tail and run by now.

He might be considered outstanding among his peers, but he is still an ant to us, a little stronger one though.

I could crush him with one finger.

He thinks too highly of himself and

he is going to regret it soon,"

a third god of chaos chimed in, sneering.

"He's right.


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