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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4948

The attack the god of chaos launched was more powerful than the last one.

Knowing the potency of the attack, Austin did not undermine it. That would cost him his life. Hence, he gave everything he could ever give—he unleased all the energy and law power in his body to resist the pulling force from the palm.

As he struggled with it, he also employed the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation to make him stronger in the face of the fierce strike.

As a result, Austin's body began to shake and blur.

His figure looked like a shadow made of flowing water, which made him difficult to clearly visualize.

"Fucking hell!" the god of chaos cursed. "This damned brat is using that bodily movement skill again!"

He had a hard time perceiving Austin's exact position. He could not even tell if the figure in front of him was even Austin, at all! He could not help but be vexed. He roared and fumed out of rage.

Although Austin had caught his enemy off guard, his victory was temporary—he was still left in a terrible situation.

The terrible pulling force from the palm of the god of chaos disrupted the function of the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation. He was unable to escape!

Originally, Austin's body had entered another space and time, either the past space and time, or the future space and time.

However, the palm's pull was too compelling for him to fully resist. Austin's body merely returned to the current space and time.

Desperate for escape, Austin maximized the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation. He did everything in his power and cast the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation over and over again. The reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation poured out from Austin's body continuously.

At long last, he managed to escape from the god of chaos' grasp. He got rid of the force from the palm and was now transported to another space and time.

Just a few moments after Austin escaped, the god of chaos reached his palm out to grab him. He had nothing but a shadow left by Austin.

Realizing that his target had escaped once again, he was beyond enraged.

"Damn it!

What kind of bodily movement skill did this brat use? This fucking bastard actually escaped from my grasp!"

The god of chaos went berserk.

It was no wonder that he was so infuriated. After all, he held himself to a high standard—he regarded himself superior compared to any other creature.

In his opinion, fighting a governing god was akin to the fight of a giant versus an insect.

But now, he could not even fathom how an insignificant being like Austin, who he considered as an insect, could even flee. He couldn't even do anything to him!

He was immensely frustrated.

Meanwhile, Austin reappeared in a distant space and time.

"Come on. I'm waiting for you here!"

he taunted as he glared at the god of chaos.

Austin felt relished on his victory. He managed to dodge two attacks of the god of chaos—it was an exhilarating emotion.

"I will stop at nothing, you brat!"

the god of chaos yelled. Then, he rushed towards Austin once more.

Mad and frustrated, he unleashed countless attacks, desperate to get a hold of Austin.

However, no matter how hard the god of chaos tried, all his attempts were futile. His target escaped each time.

The god of chaos chased Austin endlessly that eventually he got dejected and fatigued. He did not even touch a hair after everything he did, nor did he even scorch a piece of his clothes.

He roared madly and his voice rang in the entire space sea—he was in a complete state of madness and rage.

Even the other gods of chaos could not believe it! They were flabbergasted.

"How is that possible?

Is he really just a governing god?"

"From what I know, his realm is only at the third grade as a governing god. But he could dodge the attacks of a god of chaos! How!?"

"Annoying it may be, you have to admit it's kind of incredible!"

"Damn it!

This guy's bodily movement skill is weirdly powerful. Maybe we really can't catch him that easy!

Let's fight him together!

Catch him first!"

one of them suggested.

"Yes, our mission here is to take him back!

We have wasted too much time already, so let's finish this once and for all!

Let's work together to catch him!


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