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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4950

"Austin's rampage has to be stopped as soon as possible! He has been a threat to our sect for far too long!

If we don't find a way to stop him, he will eventually wipe out all of our strongholds!

It took everything in our power to achieve what we currently have. If Austin continues to do this, everything will crumble right before our eyes! Imagine the humiliation our sect would suffer,"

the fourth leader argued passionately.

"Yes, we can't just take this any longer."

The other leaders agreed with a nod.

Thus far, six strongholds had been destroyed by Austin. One stronghold was a considerable loss already, let alone six.

If Austin kept running amok, the loss he would cause their sect would be unbearable―it would take ages before they could rebuild all these strongholds.

"Austin's strength is not to be trifled with. He can be very elusive when he wants to! We already sent level-nine governing gods to catch him.

And yet, they were still no match for him!

Not only that, he even killed several governing gods we have sent. Our plans are backfiring against us!

They were the most promising ones to break through and become gods of chaos.

They were our sect's treasures!

I've had enough of these deaths! We can't let them guard our strongholds anymore. We have to summon all of them back to the headquarters to ensure their safety,"

Arundel, the fifth leader, demanded as he panned his gaze to the other leaders, waiting for their confirmation.

"Yes, that seems reasonable."

The rest of the leaders echoed his plea. If this were the case, they really had no choice but to pull out their level-nine governing gods.

They were the Time Chamber Sect's pride and joy. It would be a huge loss if any more of them perished.

They were also one of the foundations for the future development of the Time Chamber Sect―they were too priceless for their growth.

"Summon all the level-nine governing gods back. Ask them to stay in the headquarters and order them to never leave the premises without authorization."

Solomon gave the command.

"Yes, Lord Solomon!"

A god of chaos immediately turned around and walked out of the hall.

"We have only settled a single problem. We still haven't tackled how we'll deal with Austin,"

Emory, the sixth leader pointed out.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Level-nine governing gods couldn't defeat Austin.

Surely, other governing gods at a lower level would immediately perish under Austin's hands.

"It seems like we have no choice but to track down Austin by ourselves,"

Solomon decided after a long pause. His voice was dark and resolute.

Silence filled the entire hall.

Every god of chaos in the Time Chamber Sect was dumbfounded. Somehow, they were against this idea.

Austin was only a level-three governing god.

For them, he should be equivalent to a mere ant!

The amount of power they held exceeded a mere level-three governing god.

If they were to encounter any other governing god on his level, they wouldn't normally even bother to take a look at him.

After all, no level-three governing god would ever have the audacity to provoke the gods of chaos like them―aside from Austin, of course.

But now, they, the noble gods of chaos, had to go out to track a level-three governing god.

If this news spread out, it would definitely cause a sensation. Surely, most of the creatures would find a hard time believing it.

However, the leaders of the Time Chamber Sect had to do it.

They all knew how much effort they had exhausted just to get their hands on him. Unfortunately, all of them were futile. Countless lives had been wasted in pursuit of a single person.


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