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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4958

Austin waved his hand and a powerful stream of energy endlessly poured forth.

Before they even knew it, Austin had already set up more than two hundred arrays which enveloped all the governing gods of the darkness race.

"How the fuck is this bastard doing this?

His cultivation base of arrays is way better than we have anticipated! How?!

How could he set up multiple arrays in a single second?"

The governing gods fumed. Their mouths were agape as they were caught off guard with Austin's talent.

"Breaking these arrays would take them a very long time.

I can set up more if needed,"

Austin smugly remarked.

With the amount of power he currently possessed, he would not have to panic even if a god of chaos came.

If the nine leaders of the Time Chamber Sect came, however, it would be another topic. He would be unprepared if they were to pay him a visit.

As for those ordinary gods of chaos, even if Austin couldn't defeat them, he could easily flee their grasp without even breaking a sweat.

"Argh! This is frustrating! Let's keep on breaking these damned arrays!"

The governing gods of the darkness race were so furious. They were left with no other choice but to deal with the arrays one by one.

It was a struggle since they had to simultaneously attack Austin as they tried to break the arrays.

Austin used the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation to dodge their attacks.

It was good enough to help him dodge the attacks of a god of chaos, let alone these governing gods who were making feeble attempts to take him down.

Due to this, all the attacks they launched against Austin were futile. He simply dodged all of them effortlessly.

When half of the arrays were broken, Austin set up more.

With his array skill, it was a piece of cake.

"Is this going to end?!"

Finally, some of the governing gods couldn't bear it anymore―they were going ballistic.

"Calm down, everyone. I have secretly informed our race's gods of chaos.

A large number of gods of chaos are heading towards this stronghold. The best thing we could do at the moment is to hold the fort. As soon as they arrive, Austin would not be able to escape no matter what,"

one of the level-nine governing gods informed the rest of his companions.

"That's wonderful news!

No matter how powerful and smug this annoying brat is,

as long as the gods of chaos arrive, defeating him will be a piece of cake!"

Hearing this eased the governing gods. They were burdened with frustration since their efforts seemed to have no effect on their enemy. But now, they finally had a plan.

"Wait―" Austin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Something is wrong,"

he said out loud. Austin's spiritual sense was sensitive enough to detect the mood shift from the governing gods. He could practically feel them easing up a bit.

'This could only mean one thing. The gods of chaos of their race must be on their way here.

This is probably why they're so delighted,'

Austin thought to himself. He could immediately decipher the situation from the other side just from his spiritual sense.

"In that case, I must waste no more time.

I have to kill all of them now."

Although Austin was not afraid of ordinary gods of chaos,

it would be different if he were faced with the higher tier ones. He had to take extra precaution and end this as soon as he could.

Then, under the control of Austin's mind, he built ten worlds of mind power to enhance the arrays' power.

They all launched at the same time, emitting overwhelming energy. The immense mind power entered the bodies of the governing gods until they could not take it anymore.

Then, Austin summoned various cultivation methods and secret skills to fortify his attacks.

Under the multiple layers of his strikes, the governing gods could no longer bear it.


Help me!"

a governing god shouted in horror.

But the other governing gods couldn't even protect themselves, so they didn't have extra energy to save him.



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