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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4961

Just as Austin was about to leave the Fallen Divine Valley, Winston stopped him. He asked Austin to teleport all the creatures of the Sea of Chaos out and let them stay in the Fallen Divine Valley.

Over time, Winston and the infinity beast had personally created hundreds of small worlds, and there was plenty of space for the creatures of the Sea of Chaos to stay.

When the darkness race had discovered the Sea of Chaos, Austin had sent all the creatures in the Sea of Chaos into his human worlds.

Over the years, they had been living there.

"Austin, it's a great burden for you to bring so many creatures with you.

It would be better for you and them if you let them stay in the Fallen Divine Valley,"

Winston said, approaching Austin.

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of them for me,"

Austin said gratefully.

Then, he turned around, left the Fallen Divine Valley, and entered the Absolute Space Sea.

The moment that Austin entered the Absolute Space Sea, it caused a stir.

In the palace where Cain was, he sat cross-legged on the altar, still deducing.

"Cain, I can't believe you found Winston!

Bartholomew will be so excited when he finds out!

You are right. Over the years, Bartholomew has been searching for Winston.

There has always been bad blood between Bartholomew and Winston. As long as Winston is alive, Bartholomew will never be able to rest.

Cain, please deduce the specific location of Winston. I'll tell Bartholomew right away!"

Solomon said.

"Don't worry. I will help you deduce the exact location of Winston.

But first, I have more good news.

Austin has appeared in the Absolute Space Sea again.

It turns out that he cultivated a very brilliant secret technique that covers his aura.

No wonder the wizards of our darkness race haven't been able to accurately deduce Austin's whereabouts. He has outsmarted us once again!

It looks like this secret skill has something to do with time.

I suspect that the gods of chaos of the infinity beast race taught Austin this secret technique,"

Cain said.


Austin's back in the Absolute Space Sea?

Please find Winston and Austin's exact location.

I'll send the masters of our Time Chamber Sect to capture Austin right away!"

Solomon said in a voice that wavered with excitement.

"All right! I'll get to work on deducing Austin's exact location now!

His secret skill is very brilliant. He can use it to hide from others, but not from me!"

Cain said confidently.

Then he closed his eyes and continued to deduce the position of Austin.

Meanwhile, Austin was wandering about in the Absolute Space Sea.

He was focused on his goal, which was to practice his martial skills.

"Last time, I practiced on the darkness race.

I think it's time to play with the Time Chamber Sect again,"

Austin said, smirking.

Straight away, he started investigating the strongholds of the Time Chamber Sect that were scattered throughout the Absolute Space Sea.

Sitting cross-legged on the altar in the palace full of black mist, Cain turned to Solomon and said,

"I have pinpointed Austin's position and trajectory!

Send your people after him!"


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