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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4964

"Inform the nine leaders immediately!"

One of the gods of chaos took out a Contact Jade Slip and began to send a message.

The small black flag zoomed into the air at an astonishing speed.

A dozen gods of chaos followed closely behind it, not taking their eyes off it for a single moment.

At the same time,

somewhere in the Absolute Space Sea,

a group of creatures shrouded in black mist were slowly trudging forward.

These were all creatures of darkness.

In front of them, a small black flag was hovering in the air, seeming to hesitate about which direction to go in.

The creatures of darkness were starting to get restless as they followed the flag.

Suddenly, a strong surge of energy of space and time burst out of the flag.

The very next moment, the flag accelerated at an unbelievable rate and zoomed off in one direction, as if it had finally made up its mind.

"Everyone, look!

The flag must have found Austin!"

There was a round of cheers from the creatures of darkness,

and they all used their bodily movement skills to closely follow the flag.

In yet another part of the Absolute Space Sea,

a huge figure was sitting cross-legged and reading the Contact Jade Slip in his hands.

This intimidating figure was none other than Solomon.

After he learned of the new information, his face changed.

"They have found Austin!"

he said excitedly before disappearing into thin air.

Just like this, the other eight leaders of the Time Chamber Sect also received the news.

Using their bodily movement skills, they all set off without wasting a single second.

At this moment,

in that stronghold of the Time Chamber Sect,

Austin was engaged in combat with hundreds of governing gods.

The level-nine governing gods charged at him first, displaying brilliant cultivation methods and martial arts skills as they hurtled fierce attacks at him.

"Let's all fight together. If we can defeat Austin, it will definitely be a great achievement!"

one of the level-nine governing gods shouted.

"Right. Don't hold back!

We have to go all out!"

another governing god shouted in agreement.

Feeling emboldened by these words, the rest of the several hundred governing gods all charged forward and attacked Austin without mercy.

They knew that the gods of chaos of their sect were on their way here, but if they could capture Austin before the gods of chaos arrived, they would be rewarded handsomely.

"Are you kidding me? You really think you can defeat me?"

Austin sneered.

He used the Worlds of Mind Power Construction Skill and immediately enveloped his opponents in his worlds of mind power.

His ten worlds of mind power overlapped one another, making it difficult for the governing gods to move.

With a wave of his hand, Austin used the Nine Original Laws of Reincarnation, sending nine secret skills hurtling towards the governing gods, who were stuck.

Dozens of them were instantly killed on the spot.

Without pausing, Austin used the sword skill with his left hand and the saber skill with his right hand. A destructive force burst out of him as he rushed forward.

At the same time, he also set up more than two hundred large arrays that overlapped with one another, effectively suppressing the governing gods.

Before long, the body count of the governing gods became higher and higher.

"Damn it!

How is he so powerful?"

It was only then that the remaining governing gods finally began to be afraid.

Even the level-nine governing gods were forced to retreat.

After all, they had come here as a group of more than four hundred governing gods, but now, only a little more than a hundred of them were left.


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