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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4966

The joint attack of the demon guards of darkness had greatly restricted Austin's action.

Soon enough, he realized a more horrifying fact—the Time Chamber Sect's gods of chaos, their nine leaders, and the demon guards of darkness were chasing him. They were coming at him at lightning speed, their proximity closing in with each passing second.

Austin could feel the pressure as numerous powerful figures were tearing apart space and time and darting towards him.

He knew what it entailed once they caught up with him. He would not be able to escape once they had their grasp on him.

"Austin! Give it everything you've got. This is not the time for you to hesitate! Use all the teleportation runes that you have. Activate two at the same time each time, and then use the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation to see if you can escape.

Quickly send a message to your master and the infinity beast so they could support you as soon as they can,"

Old Lady Meng advised, her voice urgent and panicked.

"I can't! Even if I ask for their help, it would be useless.

If they show up to help me, the nine leaders would simply shift their attention to them—especially my master! I cannot bring them the trouble that I have caused.

I wouldn't be so selfish to drag them into this,"

Austin replied as he furrowed his brows.

As he was communicating with Old Lady Meng, Austin took out two teleportation runes and directly activated them.

The two runes melded together to produce powerful teleportation energy. It propelled Austin at a more compelling speed, making him gain a good advantage.

Immediately, Austin was further away.

However, facing the joint efforts of the nine leaders of the Time Chamber Sect and the demon guards of darkness, Austin felt that the energy of these two teleportation runes would not be enough. The energy would be fully consumed before he could completely escape.

Helpless, Austin took out two more teleportation runes and activated them.

He acquired these runes in the Heavenly Eye Space Sea during their previous stay. While they were there, he had acquired one hundred of them!

As he fled his enemies, he had consumed a good portion of them. Only about seventy of them were left.

Each piece of these runes were priceless―not just any cultivator would have it. As soon as they were consumed, they would be gone forever. Austin knew how precious these runes were. But knowing how dire the situation was, he was left with no other choice but to use as many as he needed.

"This brat has so many hidden tricks up his sleeve! How did he acquire such brilliant teleportation runes?"

The face of the nine leaders of the Time Chamber Sect were contorted in unexplainable anger. Even the demon guards of darkness held a strong resentment. Austin had escaped their grasp far too many times!

Anybody with a good head on their shoulders could immediately tell the power difference between Austin and the joined force from the Time Chamber Sect and the darkness race. Apart from being outnumbered, Austin was up against multiple gods of chaos and governing gods. Ideally, it would not be too difficult for them to stop Austin from leaving.

However, he had way too many teleportation runes with him, and he activated two at the same time. He used them like they were disposable—so recklessly and rash. Due to this behavior, they had an even harder time dealing with him. He was more than a nuisance at this point.

"Let's speed up and close in on him.

Once we catch up to this bastard, no teleportation rune is going to save his ass anymore!"

Solomon seethed.

"Yes, you are right."

The other eight leaders nodded.

With that, the nine leaders maximized their speed and pushed it to their limits.

The other gods of chaos and the demon guards of darkness followed suit.

Austin, on the other hand, continued activating two teleportation runes simultaneously as he ran away desperately with the help of the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation.

Even so, it was not enough—his pursuers were speedily inching closer and closer to him.

With the Time Chamber Sect's and darkness race's gods of chaos in hot pursuit, Austin had no choice but to rush desperately in a certain direction.

Before he even knew it, there were only around thirty teleportation runes left in Austin's hand.

It was becoming more of a hopeless cause since they were gaining on him no matter how many runes he consumed.

Austin could already feel them closing in. He could feel his heart beat twice as fast.

'Damn it! Could I escape this time?'

Austin was not reconciled.

As desperate as his situation might be, there was a little redemption in it. Earlier, his master had asked him to leave all the creatures of the Sea of Chaos in the Fallen Divine Valley.

Otherwise, all the creatures of the Sea of Chaos would have to suffer with him once he got caught. That would be tragic—he would not be the only one to endure the pain.


as he did his best to flee, Austin came across a sea of fire in front of him.

It gave off an extremely terrible aura. It reeked of danger. Austin felt that his body and spiritual soul would melt if he came any closer.

The sea of fire was a kaleidoscope of colors—it was a dazzling sight of rainbow licks of flame.


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