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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4971

"It seems that the legends are true. Although the fire source beasts are very powerful, they have the mind of a child."

Old Lady Meng sighed as she looked at the fire source beast.


Seems like it."

Austin was intrigued by her words.

"The fire source beast seems to like you. If you can gain its trust and become its friend, it will be a great advantage for you,"

Old Lady Meng explained.

"What makes you think it likes me?"

Austin asked with a frown.

He couldn't make sense of it.

It was true that the fire source beast had treated him well until now and even given him a lot of treasures,

but he couldn't figure out why the beast was being so kind to him.

"If the beast didn't like you, it wouldn't be protecting you.

Do you think that you can leave the Memory Bridge and withstand the eight sacred fires with your strength alone?"

Old Lady Meng pointed out.

"Oh yeah, you're right! I didn't realize that the fire source beast is helping me."

This new information came as a pleasant surprise to Austin.

Until now, he had been so nervous that he had almost forgotten that he had just walked out of the Memory Bridge. After all, he was faced with a much bigger danger—the eight sacred fires.

By right, given the level of strength that he possessed, he would have been burnt to ashes in such an environment,

but he was still standing here, completely unharmed.

Now that he thought about it, he could feel the magic energy that enveloped his body. And there was no doubt that this energy belonged to the fire source beast!

It was only because of this energy that he was able to resist the brutal temperatures of the eight sacred fires.

He let out a low whistle and exclaimed,

"It seems that this fire source beast does like me."

"Exactly. The fire source beast is simple and innocent. Once it befriends you, it will never change.

Therefore, if you can get it to fully trust you, you will gain an invincible ally.

It will bring enormous benefits to you,"

Old Lady Meng told Austin.

Following her advice, Austin stayed with the fire source beast for the next few days and watched it play like a child.

Perhaps the fire source beast had been lonely for a long time,

and now it was overjoyed to be in Austin's company.

Gradually, the beast opened up more and more to Austin.

It even reduced the size of the Memory Bridge and the road of reincarnation and asked Austin to play with it.

Austin entertained the wishes of the fire source beast without any complaint, like a father giving in to his child.

Once Austin was familiar enough with the beast, he began to try to communicate with it.

"Have you always lived here?"

Austin asked.

He was using his spiritual sense to communicate with the fire source beast,

because he had discovered that the fire source beast could express its thoughts through spiritual sense, but it was not used to talking out loud in languages.

"Yes, I have lived in this sea of fire for as long as I can remember.

I've been playing here alone all the time. I'm so bored,"

the fire source beast replied.

"What about your family and friends? Where are they?"

Austin asked.

"What are family and friends?"

the fire source beast asked curiously.

Austin couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the fire source beast had stayed here in solitude for such a long time that it knew nothing about the worlds outside.

However, Austin didn't know how to give the beast a clear answer.

Therefore, he changed the topic.

"Why do you stay here all the time? Don't you want to see what lies outside?"

"I like this space a lot. There are many kinds of fires here.

I used to go out for a walk, but I don't like the environment there.

Besides, whenever I went out, none of the creatures outside wanted to play with me. They just ran away as soon as they saw me. It wasn't fun at all, so I just decided to stay here."

The fire source beast seemed to be dispirited.

"I see."

Austin nodded with a tinge of pity.

The truth was, the energy emanating from the fire source beast was too terrifying. The first instinct of any creature who encountered this beast, no matter who it was or how powerful they were, would be to run away.

No one would dare to approach this beast, let alone be friends with it.

"What about you?


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