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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4989

"Do not forget that the three of us are key to the reincarnation race's revival.

The darkness race has three Lords of Darkness. The Time Chamber Sect has several strong old leaders, as well as some other forces, all with powerful masters guarding their strongholds. Although we still have a few people hiding in different places, our three real bodies have not yet returned.

Right now, it seems foolish to let the people of our reincarnation race come out of hiding,"

said another Lord of Reincarnation.

These words left the other two lords silent.

They knew he was right and so could not deny it.

If any force wanted to rise in the Absolute Space Sea, it needed masters with powerful combat effectiveness to lead them.

If they didn't have any top-level masters, no matter how many mid-level warriors they had, there was little chance they would ever be a truly powerful force to be reckoned with.

It was worse for the reincarnation race that they had a great enemy waiting to put them back down; the darkness race. They needed to be more cautious than most.

"You're absolutely right. If we were to fall, there would not be much hope left for the reincarnation race."

A long while later, the other two Lords of Reincarnation sighed deeply and dejectedly.

"I have been trying to reach my real body for years, but I've had no success.

All I have is a vague feeling that it's alive, but I have no idea where it is or what sort of situation it's in,"

said a Lord of Reincarnation.

"Yes, I feel the same,"

the other two Lords agreed.

"We can't stay here forever. How about this, one of us stays here as guard while the other two head out to look for our real bodies?

Those youngsters of our race have already managed to gather a lot of pieces of the road of reincarnation.

As far as I know. Austin alone has dozens of fragments, and the complete Memory Bridge with him.

Besides him, the other successors have also collected a lot of pieces.

What's more, many of them have grown rapidly; some have even broken through to become gods of chaos.

A large number of them are powerful and talented just like Austin.

We have accumulated a great deal of strength in recent years and I think we're in a good position to rise once more.

All we need is for our three real bodies to return.

That is top priority, before we think about any other course of action,"

said a Lord of Reincarnation, thinking out loud.

"I agree."

"Me too."

The other two Lords of Reincarnation nodded their agreement.

"In that case, let's set off immediately.

We've been here a very long time.

I think it's time we got out of here."

Two of the Lords of Reincarnation left the space sea as fast as they could, in search of their real bodies.

Only one lord remained behind.

The space sea they were in was too important to leave unattended. It held the many secrets of the reincarnation race, and so an avatar of the Lords of Reincarnation was always needed to guard it.

Besides, the leader of the Reincarnation Palace and some other successors were still there cultivating in seclusion.

At the same time, in the Eight Fires Valley.

Austin was still attentively cultivating the fire-controlling skill, under the guidance of the fire source beast.


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