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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5014

"Take care, master, I must be leaving now,"

Austin said, bidding farewell to the elder.

And with that, he disappeared.

He had been privileged to learn from many masters throughout his life.

He was always grateful, and respected every one of them, whether they were strong or weak.

It was fate that the elder of this small sect had been his master for more than ten years. He felt he owed it to him to give him many cultivation resources, magic treasures, pills, and several brilliant cultivation methods.

With these gifts, he would rise greatly in a short period of time, and possibly even become a top master in this world.

Austin had given the sect leader an incredibly large amount of treasures.

In truth, it was enough to make this small sect one of the richest in this world.

This was the conclusion of an era for Austin, marking the end of years of cultivation in many different worlds.

He left and made his way back to the Fallen Divine Valley.

"Austin, you're finally back.

So tell me, what have you learned?"

The White Emperor and the infinity beast were overjoyed to see Austin return.

They knew he must have learned a great deal, or he would not have come back.

"Master, I have been to many worlds in the past few years. I have experienced a lot, and accumulated and comprehended a lot as well.

I decided it was time, so I came back to break through to level nine,"

Austin revealed coolly.

"All right.

You may go cultivate in seclusion as you wish.

Level nine is the last and most difficult stage to reach.

Even with all you've gained over the years, you still need to be mentally prepared for what is to come.

You know what they say, 'Haste makes waste'.

You need to be patient in your cultivation,"

instructed the White Emperor wisely.

He was renowned for training disciples, and possessed great patience in guiding his disciples through their cultivation.

"Don't worry, master.

I understand," Austin replied gratefully, nodding his understanding.

He then entered a small world and began cultivating in seclusion.

First, he recalled every world and every life he had come across in the past few years.

He had gained a lot of new insights through this review.

After that, he began making his breakthrough.

Before he knew it, it was more than a hundred years later, and he had still not gotten anywhere.

Austin began feeling at a loss for what he should do next.

"It's much more difficult to break through than before,"

Austin said thinking out loud and smiling bitterly.

Deep down in his heart, he knew it was because he was too powerful.

He was capable of defeating every governing god he encountered when he was still a level-five governing god.

He had even killed two gods of chaos.

His power was both a blessing and a curse.

The immense power also meant it was vastly more difficult for him to break through and upgrade than other warriors at the same level.

"Austin, what matters right now is your determination to be a warrior. No matter how difficult it is, or how confused you are, you must never give up.

The only way you can make a breakthrough is by sticking with it to the end.

Do you understand?"

The White Emperor's voice echoed out across Austin's Soul Sea like a divine revelation.

He had rich experience in cultivation guidance.

Every disciple he had had become a god of chaos under him.

This was common knowledge throughout the entire Absolute Space Sea.

Countless governing gods wanted to claim him as their master in the past.

"Master, I understand.

Rest assured, I will never give up!"

Austin nodded seriously.

He then went back to cultivating in seclusion.


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