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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5022


"Look out! There's a terrible snowstorm approaching from ahead!"

Anakin cried out to Austin.

He immediately looked up and saw the cold winds howling before him, ripping the space to pieces with terrible ice energy. All while thick hail crashed down from the sky, and a large number of blocks of ice cut through like razor sharp knives.

The storm was horrific and stretched across a truly vast area.

"Remember, Austin, you can't fly through these snowstorms. You're going to have to walk through.

The bodies of us ice source beasts are hard and stoic, and we're good at controlling ice energy and ice law. As long as my brother and I are careful, we have nothing to be afraid of in these storms. However, your human body is relatively weak. You need to be extra careful. Don't worry; we'll still be here to protect you where we can,"

Anakin said seriously, making sure Austin understood the gravity of what they faced.

"Thank you very much,"

Austin replied, nodding to show his gratitude.

"Do the two of you really think this human boy can help you break that ancient array?

He looks so weak, like he might die before he even gets there.

Well... Um... Don't be angry. It's just a joke..." the water source beast behind them mocked, before quickly back-peddling on his words.

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the anger flashing on both brothers' faces. He shuddered with fear and shut his mouth right away.

The four of them had already made their way into the snowstorm as they were talking.

Austin immediately felt an overwhelming energy pushing against him.

Every block of hail was bigger than a hill, raining down from the sky and not stopping. He was surrounded by numerous sharp blocks of ice and a whirring icy wind.

He felt under great pressure.

He felt that even ordinary gods of chaos from the outside world would be crippled for sure, if not killed by a snowstorm like this.

He wasted no time in summoning a large amount of sacred fire to cover his body in fierce flames.

It was so powerful that it immediately blocked off the ice energy, hail, ice blocks and cold wind around him.

With the sacred fire's protection, Austin felt a lot more relaxed.

He was confident in his physical body's ability as well.

It had after all been thoroughly refined, and possessed an amazing recovery ability.

"Austin, that sacred fire of yours is absolutely incredible!"

Anakin praised.

"What's this? You're just a governing god, human boy. The power of the sacred fire should be too much for you. How are you able to control it?

From what I know, even the gods of chaos on the outside would not dare approach such a sacred fire too easily. How did you manage to get it?"

The water source beast behind them was stunned by the blazing sacred fire all over Austin's body.

Austin simply smiled at him and offered no more.

The beast possessed a strength similar to the two brothers. He was finding it quite easy to walk through the snowstorm as well.

His body was made entirely of sea water. The hail, ice blocks, and cold wind could not hurt the sea when they struck it. The most they could do was raise a huge wave out of it.

"It appears the water source beast race also possesses a considerable defensive ability.

He's in the form of water and so can't take any damage even if he's hurt.

Killing him must be really difficult,"

Austin marveled to himself as he looked at the water source beast.

Austin, Anakin, Cayden and the water source beast had been walking for more than half a month before they finally made it safely through the terrible snowstorm.

When they emerged out the other side, Austin found himself atop a vast plateau.


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