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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5029

Austin had just passed through the array and entered into the valley.

He glanced around and found that many small worlds had been created here.

Every one of them was filled with the bright Buddha light and Buddhist chants humming inside.

They all had many temples within them as well, and in every temple sat numerous ancient Buddha statues.

Beautiful lotuses blossomed too.

These lotus flowers were condensed by the law of Buddhism, representing its essence.

This place was a complete world of Buddhism.

From the moment he'd entered the valley, strong spiritual senses swept over Austin, over and over again.

He then saw many dignified monks had opened their eyes and were staring at him in surprise from the small worlds.

They'd been trapped here for a long time, never being able to escape.

No creature had ever risked breaking through the array and coming here.

Naturally, they were shocked to see a new face among them.

"Amitabha!" There came the Buddhist chant.

With it, a ray of Buddhist light flashed over and a monk appeared before Austin. He looked amiable enough, surrounded by dazzling Buddhist light.

"What brings you here, sir? Have you broken in by accident?"

asked the monk sincerely.

He imagined the only way Austin would end up here was by mistake.


Sir, you're only a governing god. Why have you come to the Frigid Continent, and then gone so deep into this deserted area?

Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

The monk was a little perplexed when he'd noticed Austin's cultivation base and found that he was only a governing god.

The Frigid Continent was a perilous place. Even a god of chaos risked death at any time here. They were certainly surprised to see a governing god break in.

More to it, this valley was in the depths of the continent. The monk was struggling to understand how this young man, who was only a governing god, would have managed to traverse all this way.

"I came to the Frigid Continent in search of something.

Masters, I believe you to be real Buddhists. What are you doing here? How did you get trapped?"

Austin asked curiously.

He saw these monks as friends because both Ivy and Sue were Buddhists, and had been selected as the future leaders of the Buddhists.

"It's a long story,"

sighed the monk in reply.

At that moment, several monks walked out from their small worlds, approaching Austin.

An old monk stared at him and said suddenly,

"Young man, you seem to have some connection with Buddhism. I feel the aura of Buddhism coming from you."

This old monk emitted a powerful Buddhist energy. It was obvious his Buddhist cultivation was quite profound.

"You're right. I do indeed have a connection with Buddhism,"

Austin replied with a friendly smile.

Ivy and Sue both practiced the authentic Buddhist methods and had reached a very high level as well.

Austin often stayed with them, and they were very close. Because of this, he too was stained with the aura of Buddhism.

This was what the old monk was sensing.

"Young man, although you have practiced the Buddhist cultivation methods, they are all relatively low level ones. You are not one of us.

What then is your connection to Buddhism?"

asked the old monk, pressing further.

"Master, please, take a look at this."

Austin then waved his hand and images of numerous scenes appeared in front of them.


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