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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5031

"Yes, of course, you can get out. When do you want to leave, masters?"

Austin asked with a smile on his face.

"Sir, we are indeed so thankful for you. You have become our savior."

The old monk could not help but appreciate everything that Austin had done for them.

After all, although his cultivation base in Buddhism had already reached a very high level, and he had always been calm in every situation, this was the first time that he had seen some hope after being trapped in the valley for an extremely long time.

Knowing that he could finally get out of this place, he was not able to hide his excitement.

At the same time, the other monks were also grateful as they looked at Austin with much appreciation.

"All right. We will have to pack our things first, and then we shall get out of here,"

the old monk said decisively.

"Okay, you can go ahead. I will be waiting here,"

Austin replied.

There was actually no need to hurry because he was not in a rush.

"Everyone, go ahead and pack up your things immediately. We shall leave when everyone is ready,"

the old monk instructed the other monks.

With that, the other monks cheerfully returned to their small worlds where they usually lived in seclusion to gather all of their things.

They might take a while since they had stayed in this place for a long time and they had a lot of things to pack.

A few days had passed and they finally finished packing their things up.

"All right. If everyone is here, we can leave now."

As they went back to Austin, the old monk brought more than one hundred monks with him.

Austin saw that all of these monks were, in fact, gods of chaos.

"Is everybody ready? We're going to set out now,"

Austin asked with a smile.

"Yes, we are. We have been trapped here for such a long time. We didn't expect that we could finally get out of here."

The old monk took one last glance at the valley and let out a sigh.

At the same time, the other monks also took time to look back at the valley that they had already considered their home.

Austin actually understood what they were feeling, so he just waited patiently until they were ready to go.

"All right. Let's not waste any more time.

Let's go!" the old monk exclaimed as he turned to Austin.

"Okay. Let's move."

Austin nodded and eventually led the way.

Soon enough, they arrived at the entrance of the valley, which was located at the edge of the array.

When the monks finally returned to this place, they got pretty nervous.

Previously, they repeatedly came back here to attack the array in order to break it but to no avail.

So, when they came back here again, they could not help but feel flustered. After all, they did not want to be disappointed after getting their hopes up.

Meanwhile, Austin suddenly released a wave of array energy, which eventually turned into mysterious array runes that rushed towards the array in front of them.

Instantly, the array began to ripple like waves.

Seeing this, Austin, turned around and said to the monks, "All right. We can go out now."

He led the way, walked through the array, and managed to get outside.

"Come on. Let's follow him!”

The old monk led his comrades and followed closely behind Austin. After taking a deep breath, he took a step forward. He saw that the array gently rippled but it did not hinder him at all.

With that, the old monk was able to come out of the valley with just a single stride.

"I am out! It's real!"

the old monk could not help but exclaim in elation.

When the other monks saw this, all of their hesitations vanished. They gradually sped up, walked through the array, and easily reached the outside of the valley.

In the blink of an eye, more than one hundred monks came out all at once.

"Sir, we cannot thank you enough!

This would be impossible without you."

The old monk expressed his utmost gratitude towards Austin.

"Oh, you're welcome.

You don't have to worry about it,"

Austin answered with a faint smile.

"Look at that! Those monks have come out!"

At this time, Anakin, Cayden, and the water source beast were all shocked. They could not help but stare at the monks with vigilance.

After all, Anakin and Cayden had already fought these monks before, and they were not to be trifled with.

"Are those..."


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