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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5034

Everyone else retreated. These two warriors were terrifyingly strong. Since they were now engaged in a fight, the energy they were emitting was powerful enough to shatter whoever and whatever happened to be anywhere close to them.


The tall, thin man was entangled in a fierce fight with the white-haired old man.

The two of them represented the most powerful warriors of their respective sides. Therefore, this fight carried a lot of weight. To a certain extent, it was going to decide the outcome of this war.


At what they considered a safe distance from these two, warriors from both sides were fighting a fierce battle as well. One creature or the other was falling every second.

Wars were cruel like that, and this one was no different.

At this time,

Austin walked into the battlefield.


he roared.

He hadn't roared physically, but instead utilized his great force to speak. Hence, his voice fell like a thunderbolt upon the warriors, echoing in the ears of every living being present there.

Such was the power and command in that voice that the two sides stopped at once, and turned their eyes on the newcomer.

The two powerful warriors in the distance also stopped fighting temporarily and stared at Austin.

”Please stop fighting for the time being. Let's sit down and have a talk. I have something to ask you,"

Austin requested, though his tone was still slightly commanding.

"Human boy, who are you?"

the tall, thin man, who was a level six governing god,

looked sharply at Austin and asked.

His opponent also added coldly,

"Brat, I don't think I've ever seen you before. If I am correct, then you are not a creature of this star. What are you doing here?"

"I am indeed not from this star.

But I have something to ask you. Come here,"

Austin said.

"Human boy!

Tell me.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?"

Austin's request was ignored, and the tall, thin man bellowed in response.

Austin was a level nine governing god now. He had also practiced various cultivation methods that could hide his aura. Therefore, his aura was unsteady and difficult to perceive. Even with the combined strengths of the white-haired warrior and his opponent, it was impossible for them to perceive his true cultivation level. They had no idea how powerful the young man standing in front of them was.

As for his companions, Anakin, Cayden, and the water source beast, they were gods of chaos. Their cultivation bases were much higher than these two cultivators', which meant it was less likely for the latter to figure out the strength of these three cultivators.

Therefore, the four newcomers weren't taken seriously by anyone in the battlefield.

"Austin asked you to come here, so you get over here. Don't waste time with your nonsense!"

Cayden's face darkened when he saw the arrogant attitude Austin was being welcomed with.

"How dare you? You are courting death!"

The tall, thin man was a famous and powerful master on this star.

In fact, he was the one who had initiated this battle with the white-haired old man to decide the ruler of this star.

For a long time, he had been revered as someone in a prominent position, and yet, here were four strange outsiders who had the nerve to talk to him in such a rude tone. This was intolerable.

He immediately brought out a handful of array flags and threw them at Cayden.

An array was formed and the powerful and terrible array energy began hurtling towards Cayden, its might and power rumbling and smashing everything in its path.

"Austin, you come here to deal with this man!"

Cayden was taken aback.

Although he was a god of chaos and therefore, much stronger than his opponent, Cayden's deepest fears started and ended at arrays. Fortunately, Austin had no such qualms.

"You have good array skills, but you are in front of me now."

Austin smiled faintly and released a soft blast of array energy with a wave of his hand.


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