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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 504

Austin was well-prepared for what he would find, but he was still shocked by the giant shadow in front of him. He held his breath, afraid to make even the slightest of sounds, in order not to be discovered. Although he had been at the medium stage of Sky Realm, he was quite sure that he would end up spectacularly dead if he challenged this giant beast right now.

Austin had never been too cocky about his capabilities. Even though his abilities had improved along the way, he had always remained humble and respectful towards anything that was stronger than him. Modesty helps one progress, and he had benefited a lot from this facet of him.

The sun was shining bright and the giant ape could show its true features without holding anything back. The giant ape was jet black without a spot of white, and as Austin took a good look at it, its body looked hard as if it was made of solid iron, and it glittered with metal-like luster under the sun. The ape looked so overwhelming. Its muscles rippled and one could sense that it could muster a lot of power in its punches.

It finally turned towards Austin. Its face got a fierce visage and it glared at him with ferocity. Weirdly, there was a pointed black horn in the middle of its forehead. If one looked carefully, there were intricate but obscure etchings on this horn, which gave Austin an impression that the ape had been living since eternity, but its strength had never faltered.

"Is this the mythical level-ten ancient evil ape? Huh, it does live up to its reputation! I guess ordinary cultivators would freak out with just one glance. It is a shock to look at, to say the least!" Austin murmured.

The giant ape had noticed him long back and was now staring at him with his scarlet eyes. The stare was enough to make Austin's blood run cold. He had slightly panicked after being stared at maliciously and had felt his throat tighten.

Meanwhile, the ancient ape was measuring Austin with its bucket-like eyes. Deep in its heart, it was mocking the young man's audacity to challenge it. It was all too ridiculous. Hot, pungent stench like that of a rotten fish accompanied its each breath. A hint of a sarcastic smile rested on the corner of its mouth. For a moment, Austin thought it was almost human-like.

"What a surprise here!

Even a tiny human boy dares to have a finger in the soul-recovering fruit! This is the biggest joke ever!

Boy, you'd better not bite off more than you can chew.

But it's okay. It has been a long time since I have tasted a human's flesh and blood. Since you're knocking on my door yourself, then I will kindly accept this as a small gift to me. It's a lucky day for me, isn't?"

Much against Austin's expectation, the ancient ape could speak the human language. It was also plausible that since it hadn't had human contact since long, it had a habit to talk with itself.

"Violet, what level does an ordinary diabolic beast has to be at if it can speak the human language?"

Austin asked with a curious tone. He had so many questions about this giant beast.

"Generally, a diabolic beast can speak human language when it achieves level-ten, Master!" Violet explained hurriedly.

When a diabolic beast's cultivation base had surpassed level-ten, it would turn into a beast king. It could then change its body into a human being, and could live as a human being as long as it liked.

"Alright, I get it!" Austin exclaimed.

He had learned something new today. Turns out, it's never too late to learn.

"Master, this ancient evil ape is very strong, and I'm unable to move my body just due to its strong smell. I guess it can turn me into powder by simply lifting one of his little fingers and flicking me away!"

Violet said, her voice was trembling.

Her tone was laced with respect and fear equal parts.

She was scared by this giant ape. Violet was a level-six demonic beast, and this ape had reached level-ten. There was a great disparity between them. It was quite normal for her to be timid.

"Don't worry, Violet. The Flame Emperor has taught me how to use the Beast-subduing Skill, and I'll try it later.

I don't believe that he would go so far as to deceive me. Since he had said that this skill was designed for this ape, I suppose that it must be true!" Austin said.

Although his mind told him to listen to what the Flame Emperor had taught him, he still was a tad bit uncertain in his heart.

A clever rabbit has three burrows. Austin must make other arrangements. As a result, Austin readied another plan of action before they began fighting. He carefully examined the surroundings, trying to find a better way to escape in case the ape was in the position to kill him.

As far as he was concerned, the bigger an animal was, the slower it would move and the clumsier it looked. Everyone has their weak points. Austin believed he had a chance even if he was considerably weaker physically, he would be faster than the ape by a mile.


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