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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5044

"Ignorant human brat! Open your eyes wide! We have sixteen gods of chaos here. Before you start acting arrogant around us, you should know we can deal with you without even breaking a sweat!"

one of the gods of chaos menacingly threatened.

"Oh? Is that right?

All of you are going to work together to fight us?"

Austin gave them a cocky smirk.

If it were any other individual, they would have been daunted at the face of sixteen gods of chaos, but Austin did not seem fazed at all. In fact, he even had the audacity to taunt and challenge them.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it, huh? What can you do against us, punk?"

A god of chaos guffawed.

"Look, brat. If I were you, I would surrender obediently and hand over all of my array inheritance just to get this over with. Maybe, if you're lucky enough, we'd let you get away unscathed.

If you don't, then you're about to see the consequences,"

another god of chaos threatened, his voice dark and menacing.

"Tch, you arrogant fucks talk big just because you have us outnumbered.

Since you're so confident with yourself, then quit yapping and starting fighting!"

Austin sneered.

"You're a stubborn bastard, aren't you? Look at you acting so calm when you're about to die. It seems like you don't take us seriously at all!

Let's get this over with, you arrogant shit!"

a god of chaos challenged.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sixteen gods of chaos simultaneously charged and released rolling energy pressure, rushing towards Austin and the others.

The pressure created by a single god of chaos was already powerful. Naturally, the combined power of sixteen was extremely terrifying.

Their group was always known for their amazing array skills,

but as gods of chaos, their fighting power should not be underestimated.


We must protect Austin!"

Anakin roared and stood in front of Austin.

Braden, Cayden and the water source beast followed suit.

The atmosphere was tense and chaotic at the same time—it felt like it was just at the brink of a battle breaking out.

Just then,

under the control of Austin's mind, more than one hundred monks came out of one of his human worlds and stood guard.

Each one of them had the strength comparable to gods of chaos.

They were the same monks Austin had rescued from the valley just recently.

He sent a message to the monks and told them what had happened.

They treated Austin as their savior, so they obeyed him.

As soon as they came out,

they swarmed forward, instantly besieging the sixteen gods of chaos.

"Huh? What the fuck is this?

Where did these monks come from?

This is preposterous! They are all gods of chaos!"

The sudden intervention of the monks caught Austin's enemies off guard.

Fighting was not their best suit. Now that they were surrounded by more than one hundred gods of chaos, they were absolutely stunned—they didn't even know what to do. All the insults they hurled earlier backfired on them.

"Ha-ha! I get it!

So this is where you're getting your confidence, right? You have all these powerful monks at your disposal."


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