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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5051

"Sir, I would be honored to be your disciple!"

Austin said and bowed to the old man respectfully.

He had developed a strong admiration for the master who had set up the arrays around the ancestral temple.

Now that the creator of the arrays was right in front of him, how could he pass up the chance to train under his tutelage?

Although Austin's cultivation base in arrays was already strong, further improvement was never a bad thing.

Who knows? He may even get good enough to be able to fight against a master at the level of the gods of chaos.

The old man nodded sagely.

"Good. From here on out, you are officially my disciple.

Come with me.

In the following days, I will impart my knowledge to you,"

he told Austin.

The old man then turned to the sixteen gods of chaos.

"As for you... Since Austin is my disciple now, you are no longer to treat him as an enemy.

From now on, you must regard him as your master and follow him.

Is that understood?"

The sixteen gods of chaos from the Array Cosmos frowned and shifted uncomfortably.

The supreme grandmaster's words came like a slap to the face.

How could he possibly expect them to treat their erstwhile enemy as their master? It was too much!


You dare defy me?"

The old man's face darkened as he noted the sullen silence.

As he glowered, terrifying arrays suddenly appeared around the sixteen gods of chaos, releasing energy as powerful as several volcanoes erupting together.

The energy hit the sixteen gods of chaos like a tidal wave. They turned pale.

It dawned on them at that moment just how much stronger than them this supreme grandmaster was.

He may even be powerful enough to kill them with just one thought.

"Please, no need to get angry, supreme grandmaster!

Of course we shall obey your orders! We shall acknowledge Austin as our master from now on!"

the sixteen gods of chaos said in a rush, their voices trembling.

They had to admit Austin's array skills were admirable.

It was just a blow to their pride to yield to someone they once looked down upon.

But they wouldn't dare cross Austin now he had the supreme grandmaster's backing.

The grandmaster backed down and nodded, satisfied to finally see some compliance.

"That's more like it."

He turned to Austin. "Well? Follow me.

I'm going to teach you all my array inheritance.

You have much work to do,"

he said.

"Yes, master. I shall work hard on my cultivation,"

Austin answered deferentially.

The old man led Austin into the divine temple.

Upon stepping in, Austin looked around, trying not to show the surprise he felt. The furnishings in the divine temple were actually quite modest.

The supreme grandmaster lowered himself onto a futon and crossed his legs.

It wasn't long before the tutelage began.

Meanwhile, Austin's companions were left to their own devices outside the divine temple.

"I guess we don't have to be afraid of the arrays in the cosmos anymore,"

Anakin pointed out.

The three brothers of the ice source beast race, the water source beast, and the more than one hundred monks then found a place near the divine temple to rest.

They used to be so afraid of the arrays in the cosmos that they had wanted nothing more than to leave this area immediately.


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