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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5053

"Supreme grandmaster!"

The sixteen gods of chaos bowed before the grandmaster of arrays as soon as he stepped out of the temple.

They had been paying close attention to the divine temple for the past hundreds of years. When they saw the grandmaster of arrays and Austin walked out of it, they immediately rushed over.

At the same time, the three brothers of the ice source beast race, the water source beast, and the countless of monks also came nearby the divine temple.

Over the years, they had received a special treatment from the cosmos.

At this point, they had already been on good terms with the sixteen gods of chaos.

"The rest of you can stay in the cosmos.

But it won't be long before I take you out of here,"

the grandmaster of arrays addressed the sixteen gods of chaos.

"Yes, supreme grandmaster. We entrust our fate to you!"

all of the gods of chaos answered in unison.

They were all aware with how powerful the supreme grandmaster truly was. Compared to him, they were practically nothing. In fact, if it weren't for the supreme grandmaster's help, they would fail to break through and become gods of chaos—they basically owe him a lot.

"Master, I'm leaving,"

Austin addressed the grandmaster of arrays.

He also bid his farewell to the sixteen gods of chaos, with whom he eventually became friends.

Along with the three brothers of the ice source beast race, the water source beast, and his battalion of monks, Austin left the Array Cosmos.

"Guys, I'm going to look for the fruit of supreme enlightenment,"

Austin informed the three brothers of the ice source beast race.

"You don't have to worry about a thing, Austin! We're your allies. We vow to keep our promises no matter what!

We will accompany you in your quest to find the fruit of supreme enlightenment,"

Anakin replied to Austin firmly.

"Well... I've come here with you. I don't have the guts to go back alone.

If I encountered those ice wolves on my way back, I don't think I could defeat them on my own.

My best option at the moment is to be with you, guys. Travelling the continent as a group would be safer."

The water source beast sighed after a thinking deeply for a while.

"I have the same decision as everyone, Austin.

The continent is too dangerous. No one knows what kind of danger we will encounter next. It will be safer for us to be together. More people entails greater strength,"

the old monk said to Austin.

"Sir, I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you broke into this continent back then?

Were you also looking for something?"

Austin suddenly asked.

There was a plethora of monks as his allies, each of them were gods of chaos. They must have a purpose to come to the continent together.

"There's no point in lying to you, Austin. The reason why we came to the continent is that we sensed the aura left by the Buddha in the continent.

We were looking for the Buddha,"

the old monk dramatically informed Austin. The latter was surprised with this revelation.

"Is there the aura of the Buddha in this continent?"

Austin quickly asked.

"Yes, we could sense it.

Ages back, we entered the Absolute Space Sea to search for the whereabouts of the Buddha. We followed all sorts of clues, which led us to the Frigid Continent.

We all knew that this is a very dangerous place, but we thought that there would be no place too dangerous for more than one hundred gods of chaos to enter.

So we mustered up our courage to break into this place.

But we ended up being trapped in the arrays,"

the old monk retold their story.

"Have you found anything on the continent?

Were you fruitful in your quest to find the Buddha?"

Austin asked curiously.

"Unfortunately, no. We haven't figured out the whereabouts of the Buddha, but we are sure that he must have come to the continent and lived here for a period of time.

We could tell because there were traces of Buddha's aura left in the continent,"


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