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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5061

As soon as Cayden finished his words, Austin quickly answered him, "I'm fine."

He walked out of the palace along with the middle-aged man.

"Austin, are you alright? How did it go?"

The three brothers of the ice source beast race approached Austin.

Once they came over, the rest of their companions followed suit.

Seeing that his friends were worried, Austin quickly reassured them.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm alright," he replied with a smile.

Then, he quickly turned around to the middle-aged man and bade his farewell.

"Sir, I'm leaving.

Thank you for everything!"

The middle-aged man nodded in acknowledgment.

"Be careful on your way, young man. Always heed the reminders my master told you,"

he advised before they parted ways.

"Of course, sir. You don't have to worry about anything. I will keep them in mind.

Someday, I'll come back here,"

Austin promised.

"That's good."

After a few more exchanges, the middle-aged man turned around and disappeared into the palace.

"It's time for us to go. We can leave now,"

Austin informed his friends.

"Were you able to get the fruits of supreme enlightenment?"

Anakin excitedly asked.

"Yes, I have them with me,"

Austin answered.

"That's great!

We have finally achieved our goal of coming here!"

Anakin exclaimed excitedly.

"That's right.

We have finally acquired the reason why we went here.

It's now time for us to go back,"

Austin responded with a triumphant smile.

Not only did Austin acquire the fruits of supreme enlightenment, but his mind power also was improved by leaps and bounds, thanks to Nasir's guidance. Its quality had been greatly enhanced compared in this respect.

What was more, Austin managed to turn one hundred puppets as his subordinates, each of which had the strength of the god of chaos.

On his quest, it was obvious that he had gained a lot—more than what he expected, even.

After a couple of banter and recounting the events that happened prior, Austin and his group walked back along the way they came through.

With the tremendous dangers they had faced on their adventure, it felt like they could take on anything at this point. They felt much safer compared to the last time they traveled.

While wandering around, Austin chatted with the three brothers and the water source beast.

"How many places have you explored in this Frigid Continent?" Austin asked them.

"The Frigid Continent is an extensive space, almost limitless. Plus, it is filled with dangers everywhere.

Although we are gods of chaos, we have only explored less than one-tenth of the entire continent,"

Anakin responded.

"Back then, the three of us wanted to explore all the regions of this continent.

But as we investigated, Braden got trapped in the array.

Since then, we have never dared to wander around the Frigid Continent recklessly again,"

Cayden added to the story.

"I agree. This continent is indeed littered with various dangers you would never expect.

I have explored less than you guys but I do know how perilous this place could be. I don't really consider myself as a brave person so I don't really wander around territories that are unfamiliar to me,"

the water source beast said in agreement.

"From what you guys are saying, it seems that the Frigid Continent is indeed full of hazards and mystery. We must travel with caution.

You are the gods of chaos living here, yet you know so little about this continent. That in itself says a lot about this particular space."

Austin sighed, a little dejected with how little information they had.

"Sadly, that's true.

Even we, who had been here for a long time, find this place very mysterious,"

the water source beast responded.

At this point, he had transformed himself into a human-looking form. He was a good-looking young man, shrouded in a layer of misty vapor.

"What everybody is saying is correct. When we broke into this continent back then, we immediately encountered all sorts of danger.

Eventually, we got trapped in the array and couldn't get out of it for a long time,"

the old monk chimed in.

While chatting, Austin and his companions walked back according to their original way.


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