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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5069

"Austin, you are far too reckless! My rebellious disciples and a large group of elites from the Time Chamber Sect have surrounded this cosmos.

You can't help us with your current strength!

You shouldn't have broken in like this!

Make better choices, young man!"

Winston snapped, glaring at Austin.

"Master, calm down please. We can still get out!

Although they outnumber us, I'm confident that we can break out of the encirclement if we all work together,"

Austin replied in a firm voice.

To the others, his words sounded too confident.

With his current skills and trump cards, it was likely impossible for him to defeat Bartholomew and the elite gods of chaos of the Time Chamber Sect, but if he just wanted to break through their siege and escape, it was possible.

"Hold on.

Austin, why do you think you have the ability to escape from this situation?

I mean, you do seem a little different. Did you have a special encounter in the Frigid Continent?"

Because Winston was so experienced, he was sensitive to changes in Austin.

"He's right. It looks like you have changed a lot, Austin,"

the infinity beast added, also slightly shocked by Austin's words.

"I think we should focus on getting out for now. We can talk about this later,"

Austin said.

"Yes! Let's fight our way out!"

the infinity beast shouted, nodding in agreement.

He had always been a fearless beast. Over the years, as his injured body gradually recovered, his strength constantly increased. Bartholomew was a strong opponent, but he didn't feel like he had to fear him.

"Master, you take control of the Fallen Divine Valley. I'll fight against the enemies with the infinity beast,"

Austin told Winston respectfully.

Austin knew that Winston's injury was still bad so this wasn't the time to send him straight into battle.

But the infinity beast was different. Most of his injuries had healed, and his strength was currently much stronger than Winston's. So Austin would focus on making sure that Winston was safe while performing his tasks.

"That's a good plan.

I wasn't expecting you to have advanced so much. Now you're able to protect me.

Very good."

Winston looked at Austin with admiration in his eyes. He remembered when he had first met Austin in the Sea of Chaos. Back then, Austin had been a preliminary-grade divine god and was very weak.

Winston hadn't had a choice but to save him from many dangerous situations. He had been Austin's greatest protector in the whole Sea of Chaos.

And now, it was Austin's turn to protect him.


Austin advances faster than any young man I have ever met in my life! Your disciple is amazing, Winston!"

the infinity beast remarked, laughing cheerfully.

"Old man, enough with the chatting!

Go and kill him!

Destroy every other creature that you come across!

Whatever you do, just keep Austin alive! He's mine!"

Bartholomew shouted from outside of the Fallen Divine Valley.


A moment later, a large number of people from the Time Chamber Sect swarmed into the valley from all directions.

Among them were governing gods and gods of chaos.

Each of them was a powerful elite.

"Do you think that numbers will help you win?"

Austin asked, glaring at his enemies.

Focusing his mind, he summoned one hundred puppets to appear around his body at the same time.

The puppets had been given to Austin by Nasir, and each of them was as strong as a god of chaos.


With a wave of his hand, the one hundred puppets scattered, fighting fiercely with the Time Chamber Sect's people.


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