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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5082

"You're right,"

Austin agreed with a nod.

The fire source beasts and the other strange creatures they had met before had died miserably. It was obvious there had been a fierce battle leading to their deaths.

This was probably the cause of the fire source beast race's decline.


just as Austin and the fire source beast were making their way forward,

numerous figures began charging at them

from all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

They were terribly thin, almost weak-looking, but their speed was enough to cover Austin's and the fire source beast's faces with worry.

Somehow, despite their powerful spiritual senses, they were only barely able to feel these figures arriving.

"Look out! They look hell-bent on attacking us!"

the fire source beast cried out.

"Yes, I'm aware of that!"

Austin shouted back, nodding vehemently.

There were clear energy fluctuations on the rushing figures; they were poised for attack—that was for sure.

It did not take long for the strange creatures to be on them.

They could now finally get a good look at their harassers.

They were a horde of creepy, ferocious creatures.

They were skinny, their bodies covered entirely in yellow, messy hair.

Their claws were long and sharp, like talons.

And their tiny eyes burned with nothing but hatred.

Most disgusting were the purulent sores all over their bodies, constantly oozing sticky, dark liquids.

With their arrival came a revolting and nauseating stench as well.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Austin and the fire source beast looked off into the distance to see more and more of these creatures rushing over.

"What on earth are they?"

They were both curious, but at the same time, stayed on high alert.

"Kill them all!" The cry for blood rang out.

Black spears appeared in the hands of the strange creatures.

The weapons were covered in strange symbols, emitting terribly dangerous laws.

They held the spears tight in their grasp and launched a wild assault on Austin and the fire source beast.

They rushed at them at rapid speeds. When they were halfway from their targets, they gathered all their strength on their spears, twisted their lean bodies and swung their arms viciously.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The spears flew across the sky astonishingly fast, piercing through the air and darting for Austin and the fire source beast with a horrible energy.

"Let me block them!" yelled the fire source beast.

He took a step forward and used the fire-controlling skill. Blazing flames quickly gathered from every direction, condensing into walls of fire, protecting him and Austin.

After hundreds of years of cultivation in seclusion, the fire source beast was far stronger than before.

What was more, this world was the fire source beast race's territory, so he could exercise his full strength and go beyond expectations.

As the walls of fire defended them, they gave off a vast amount of energy as well.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The spears collided with the walls of fire in an unending stream.

Austin and the fire source beast were relieved to find the spears held off and unable to break through the walls of fire.

"Charge in and kill them!"

growled the short, strange creatures angrily.

Every one of them held a spear in their hand.

They bulldozed towards the walls of fire, striking them desperately, trying to break through and kill Austin and the fire source beast on the other side.

Austin and the fire source beast were only disheartened further when they saw more and more strange creatures coming over from the distance.


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