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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5090

"You flatter me.

But what I want to know is how to eliminate them all,"

said Austin.

"You want to completely wipe out the ghost race?"

Henrik asked.

"That's right.

And I think you know how,"

Austin said.

Henrik paused before answering.

"I do have an inkling.

You have to understand that their lair is in hell.

The Yin World is just one of their strongholds.

If you want to completely destroy the ghost race, you'll have to go down to their lair.

If you can defeat them there, it may wipe them out once and for all."

Both Austin and the fire source beast were puzzled with this answer, at first.

Hell? How could that be?

Then it dawned on them.

Since there was a Yin World and a Yang World on this mountain, it would follow that another hell existed here, too.

"So how do I get to this hell?"

Austin asked.

Henrik motioned toward the Yin World.

"Easy. It's right beneath the Yin World."

Austin and the fire source beast directed their spiritual sense in that direction.

Upon closer inspection, there really was another dark space beneath the Yin World!

There were all sorts of strange and terrifying scenes, and indeed, the ghost race, densely crowded in that space!

Austin and the fire source beast were stunned to discover the hell that existed there.

How could it have ever escaped their notice all this time?

With their strong spiritual sense, how could they have overlooked such a space nearby?

It seemed to have only appeared out of the blue after Henrik mentioned it.

Who exactly was this Henrik?

"Be careful. There's something off with this guy.

I have a hunch he might not be completely on our side,"

the fire source beast warned Austin through his spiritual sense.

Austin shot a look at the fire source beast.

He gave an almost imperceptible nod of agreement.

They had to be on their toes around Henrik.

Out loud, Austin asked,

"So you really think we can destroy them with finality if we do it in hell?"

Henrik shrugged.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure.

But hell being the real base of the ghost race, it will definitely be a disaster for them. It's worth a shot."

Austin gave a determined nod.

"It's settled then.

We'll go to hell now and kill them all!"

He and the fire source beast wasted no time doing just that.

Since they had both mastered the law of space and time, they could easily traverse long distances to enter another space.

It took only moments for Austin and the fire source beast to reach hell, now that they'd been able to locate it.

They were met with the sight of a place packed with innumerable ghost race creatures.


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