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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5092

Swish! Swish! Swish...

As the man in white spoke, several fire spears pierced through the space and time and rushed straight for him.

However, he didn't even bother dodging them. The fire source beast was shocked. When faced with such a terrifying attack, the man did nothing but stand with his hands held behind his back.

Then, something happened that made the fire source beast's shock deepen.

The sacred fire spears stabbed the man in white, but they flew directly through his body, leaving no marks behind.

It appeared that his body was not solid. It was illusionary.

The man in white was not afraid at all. His body was relaxed and his face was serene.

He didn't even glance at the fire source beast. Instead, he had his eyes locked on Austin.

"How is he doing that?"

the fire source beast asked, dropping all his attacks.

There was no point in continuing because his attacks couldn't hurt the man.

'Is it possible that he was never an entity at all, but only a projection?'

the fire source beast thought when he saw that the man in white was unharmed.


Meanwhile, Austin was still roaring. This time, it was so loud that it echoed throughout the hell.

By now, Austin's body had completely changed.

He had turned into a ferocious, disgusting ghost!

However, deep in his heart, he was calm and he was still himself.

This soberness was encapsulated in a lot of mind power so the negative emotions couldn't reach it.

Because he had been eroded, Austin finally understood how so many ghosts were born.

They were all normal creatures who had been occupied by negative emotions

or evolved from spiritual souls with negative emotions one at a time.

In the ghost race, it didn't matter if they had physical bodies or not.

The core of each ghost was negative emotions.

'What? How are you not a full ghost yet?

Young man, your mind power surprises me. You have a rare talent,'

the man in white thought. First, he had been smiling at Austin, but now, he was confused.

Austin's appearance had changed into a ghost's yet his heart was not affected.

He was still conscious!

What he looked like resembled the ghost race but he was not truly one of them.

'The mind power energy works! With it, I can resist these negative emotions!'

Pain was constantly ripping through Austin's body, but his mind was able to remain clear.

'Mind power energy, mind power energy...'

Austin repeated in his head as the pain lingered for longer and longer.

At the same time, Austin quietly started to practice all kinds of secret techniques related to the mind power energy.

Under the constant attack of the negative emotions, Austin's mind power was activated to the extreme.

In fact, it felt like his level of mind power was slowly increasing during the fight to match the power of the man in white.

His level was already very high, so if it increased again, it would advance!

So Austin multitasked, using all kinds of secret techniques to cultivate the mind power under the extreme conditions

and continuing to activate his mind power to resist the attacks of the negative emotions.

The man in white gasped.

Before his very eyes, Austin's body was recovering.


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