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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5097

Austin also found that there was a faint red flame floating above the old man's head.

The fire looked very weak, trembling and swaying in the breeze as if it would be extinguished at any time. Anyone who was not paying close attention would easily miss it.

When Austin inadvertently discovered the red flame, the man in white and Henrik also detected it. Apparently, both of them regarded it with a severe expression.

Based on their reaction, the two of them felt a sense of fear towards it.

"Sir, are you referring to my friend?"

Austin asked.

Like a light bulb moment, he quickly deciphered what the old man was trying to say. He realized that he was referring to the fire source beast!

"Yes, it's the friend with you just now. He's my junior clansman,"

The old man confirmed and looked at Austin kindly.

"Just a few moments ago, we had plans to get out of here, so I teleported him into one of my human worlds.

If you want to see him, I can let him out,"

Austin warmly offered.

"That would be nice, young man. Please do. I want to meet him,"

he answered with a courteous smile.

Austin immediately teleported the fire source beast out of his body.

"Did we do it? Did we escape?"

The fire source beast immediately bombarded his friend with anxious questions as soon as he got out.

Then, he found the man in white and Henrik still standing in front of them.

"Oh, Austin. We didn't make it, did we?"

He frowned. He could instantly read the situation within the vicinity―from there, he already knew the result.

"You're right, I'm sorry.

That guy's strength was too overbearing.

I wasn't able to run away from him."

Austin shook his head and gave his friend an apologetic smile.

"I should be the one who's sorry, Austin. If it weren't for you helping me, you wouldn't have entered this place.

If we had known that things would end up in this, we would have made a detour,"

the fire source beast apologized sincerely.

"Even if you made a detour, he would still come to you."

This time, it was the old man who answered his statement.

As soon as the fire source beast appeared, the old man's eyes never moved away from him. He was obviously very enthusiastic to see his junior.

When the elder spoke, the fire source beast felt apprehensive and shifted his gaze to the voice's owner.

When he saw the old man, he was completely stunned. He stared at him with an incredible expression on his face―he was beyond speechless.

He felt like it was just a hallucination, or an apparition. He could not believe who the person was in front of him!

But in the same manner,

he also looked very excited that his body could not stop trembling.

The old man matched the intensity of his enthusiasm. He looked at the fire source beast with unmistakable excitement.

They looked at each other for a while, taking each other's presence. Finally, the old man uttered,

"I didn't expect to see a descendant of our race after so many years.

It means that our race still has a chance to prosper,"

the old man blithely stated, his voice full of hope.

Hearing the old man's words, the fire source beast no longer had any doubt. He went forward and kowtowed before him.


the fire source beast said loudly. "It's nice to finally meet you, sir!"

Tears welled up in the elder's eyes.


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