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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5107

"What did you say?

The entire Time Chamber Sect will follow you afterwards?"

The twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect were absolutely stunned when they heard the white-robed man's statement.

"Sir, we..."

The four senior leaders were at a loss for words.

Ever since they recognized the man from the ghost race, they had been very careful around him, and they made sure not to do anything that would provoke him.

It took them by surprise when the man demanded them to be their slaves—that was something they did not see coming.

Obviously, the leaders of the Time Chamber Sect would not let such an absurd thing to happen. It would wound their sect's pride to just let the man order them around.

After all the efforts they made to bring the Time Chamber Sect to the top of the Absolute Space Sea, they would not let anyone trample on them.

As the leaders of one of the most prominent sects, they were all very powerful and they were highly-revered. How could they be willing to lead their people to surrender to the man from the ghost race?

"Oh? You think this is up for discussion? It isn't. I am informing you.

That's it. I like the Time Chamber Sect. All the creatures of your sect will follow me from now on,"

the man in white declared indifferently.

In the past, if he didn't like any race or force, he would go straight to their headquarters to kill them all without asking for their opinions.

He was notorious for his ferocity in the Absolute Space Sea. He was definitely not easy to get along with.

The four senior leaders of the Time Chamber Sect looked at each other and discussed through telepathy. Finally one of them said,

"Sir, with all due respect, you are asking too much. We can't do that. Our sect has a lot to offer you but we will not hand our identity just like this to you.

We're leaving.

Everyone, let's go."

All the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect bowed respectfully to the man from the ghost race and then quickly turned away.

They did their best to act very respectfully around him, or else they would have to pay the price.

After all, everyone in the Absolute Space Sea knew that the man in white was not to be trifled with.

Even the leader of the darkness race, Yahir, led all the high-level members of his race to kneel down to the man in white. With a man so fearsome and authoritative, who would even dare to cross him?

"Where do you think you're going? You can't leave. Like I said, you, and your people, will be my subordinates from now on,"

the white-robed man calmly stated as he watched the twelve leaders try to escape him.

Then, with a threatening glare,

he summoned countless ghost race creatures. They all looked intimidating and ferocious as they appeared in front of the twelve leaders.

They let out their strange howls and cries as they swiftly attacked them from all directions.

"Fuck! We're surrounded!

Let's kill all these disgusting creatures together. But as soon as we get a chance, we will leave this place, okay?"

a senior leader instructed.

With a nod, the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect began to annihilate the ghost race creatures together.

As senior leaders of their sect, the four of them were undeniably remarkable in combat. One fluid movement from them immediately killed numerous ghost race creatures. Their enemies all fell down one after another.

Although the eight young leaders were not as good as they were, they were also able to slay large groups of these creatures in a single attempt.

To their dismay, however, the outpouring of these beasts was almost endless—it felt like they were multiplying. After one group was eliminated, another group would quickly take their place.

Plus, they did not seem to fear death. In fact, it felt like they did not fear anything at all. They kept on mindlessly rushing forward to their enemies.

"There are too many of them!"

The eight young leaders of the Time Chamber Sect were starting to break.

After all, they were weaker than the fire source beast.

When the fire source beast was the one who was dealing with these creatures, he already had a hard time. Naturally, the eight young leaders found it even more difficult.


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