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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5109

This was the normal case for fire source beasts. The fire-controlling skill was an inherent talent to their race. Now that the fire source beast was able to learn directly from their senior master in their ancestral land, his fire-controlling skill had been greatly improved in just a short amount of time.

At the same time, Austin's fire-controlling skill was also enhanced drastically under the guidance of the old man.

Although Austin was not a member of their race, he also had some innate talent in controlling fire, so he was able to quickly make progress in his cultivation.

One key point to cultivating the fire-controlling skill was the proper comprehension of the law of fire.

When Austin was just starting to cultivate it, he was baffled to find out that the so-called law of fire was just a general term.

It turned out that almost every single flame had its own unique law, making the process of cultivation more complicated than he expected.

Hence, in order to be thoroughly proficient in the fire-controlling skill, one had to comprehend the laws of all kinds of flames that existed. Moreover, only by comprehending the unique law of a certain kind of fire could one control it at will.

Therefore, a lot of time and perseverance were required to cultivate the fire-controlling skill.

"This is amazing! The flames seem to have an intelligence of their own. Each of them has its own character and temperament!"

Austin couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as he discovered a lot of things during the process of cultivation.

"I remember a saying stating that everything in existence has its own soul. Now, it really makes sense to me!"

Austin murmured to himself as he grew more excited.

Another key factor in practicing the fire-controlling skill was the ability to get close to each kind of flame so that one could fully integrate it into his body.

Once the flame was completely fused into one's body, it was the only time that he could control it at will.

Therefore, this was a very tedious and dangerous process.

Most flames were extremely dangerous and they possessed amazing power, like the eight kinds of sacred fire. Once they were integrated into one's body, his body and even his spiritual soul could be burned into nothingness if he was not careful enough.

Thus, one should really be familiar and knowledgeable of the law and temperament of the flames before attempting to integrate them into his body.

Since there were all kinds of flames in this world of fire, Austin and the fire source beast were able to gradually learn each kind of fire under the strict guidance of the old man.

As time went by, the number of flames that they were accustomed to and that they could control increased steadily.

While they progressed in their cultivation, both of them also had a deeper understanding of the law of fire.

Although there were countless kinds of flames and they each had their unique temperament, their features still had something in common.

"I did not expect that the fire-controlling skill is such a profound field!

All along, the fire-controlling skill that I have mastered is crude and ridiculous.

However, I am learning its real essence now and I finally made some great progress!"

Austin uttered to himself.

Meanwhile, the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect were still fighting the avatars of the ghost race.

It appeared that these avatars were almost impossible to wipe out because they could revive endlessly.

At the same time, the man in white kept attacking the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect using the surge of negative emotions.

Every time the leaders tried to escape, the man in white would suddenly join the battle. To make things worse, he could use a secret teleportation skill, which could readily send them back into the depths of the space.

That was why no matter how hard they tried, their attempts to escape always ended up in vain.

The four senior leaders of the Time Chamber Sect were by no means inferior to the man in white.

However, they had always feared the creature of the ghost race. Every time they would fight him head-on, they did not dare to initiate the offense.

After all, this ghost in front of them was even able to intimidate Yahir, who was supposed to be the most powerful master of the darkness race.

Hence, they were always on guard and wary of him.


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