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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5111

The sole reason behind the entry of the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect into this space was to seek out Austin and the fire source beast.

Unfortunately, their ventures had proved unsuccessful so far. However, lady luck was smiling now. They had found their targets.

"Just help me kill that young man,"

the man in white asked the twelve leaders, pointing at Austin.

"You want us to kill Austin? Awesome!"

The twelve leaders were immensely excited at the prospect.

"Yes. Kill Austin.

If you do that, I will let you and your people go free,"

the man in white replied.

"That's great!

Sir, it looks like Austin provoked you as well. He deserves something worse than death.

Don't worry. He is our sworn enemy and we were going to finish him even without your order,"

Solomon said.

"That's good. Now, I don't care what you do and how you do it. But get rid of him!"

the man in white ordered.

"Yes sir. We will all go on this mission,"

a senior leader of the Time Chamber Sect swore.

The twelve leaders were relaxed now. The man's goal was the same as theirs and therefore, they could kill two birds with one stone.

Killing Austin had been the true purpose of their arrival here.

"We'll do it right now!"

another senior leader decided.

"All right!"

the rest agreed.

The twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect used their bodily movement skills and rushed towards Austin.

A dark and furious expression appeared on the latter's face. The faces of the fire source beast and his senior changed as well.

"I didn't expect that guy from the ghost race to do this,"

the senior master said with a frown.

"You two should be very careful. The four senior leaders of the Time Chamber Sect are immensely powerful.

In fact, you are not going to be a match for them and I don't think it's prudent for you to engage them head-on.

Let me deal with them.

Austin should go and cultivate his mind power in peace. He shouldn't fight them right now,"

the senior fire source beast instructed.

As soon as he had finished speaking, he didn't even wait for his two companions to nod in agreement.

He picked up Austin and the young fire source beast with a wave of his sleeve and strode towards the depths of the space.

His speed was extremely fast and each of his steps took him several miles down his road.

"Everyone, be careful. That old man looks highly powerful."

The four senior leaders frowned and warned their companions.

They could feel the old man's aura and understand his power.

"He seems to be a fire source beast,"

one of them suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, he is also a fire source beast, and an adult one no less. Fully matured fire source beasts are extremely dangerous. Be very careful,"

another one warned.

"Come on, what's the big deal? He's just a fire source beast anyway. It won't be too difficult for us to destroy him together. Hurry up!"

a third one said.

The twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect utilized their bodily movement skills to the maximum and chased after Austin and his companions. Although the old man was remarkably fast, they were still able to pursue their targets closely.


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