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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5113

Countless flames and laws of fire filled the space with terrifying burning energy.

The flames licked across the bodies of the twelve leaders of the Time Chamber Sect,

searing their clothes to blackened ruins.

The smell of smoke and burnt hair and flesh permeated the air.

But the terrible burning energy didn't stop there. It continued to eat at their bodies, seeping into their Soul Seas even to burn their spiritual souls.


The eight young leaders of the Time Chamber Sect all screamed in pain as the horrifying sea of fire consumed their bodies.

Even the four senior leaders looked at the situation gravely.

They knew the flames and the fire energy in this space also posed a threat to them.

"Damn it! How did this happen?

These terrible flames came out of nowhere!

This space is absolutely terrible.

How could we have been so careless?

We should've been more vigilant,"

Solomon shouted with a pained expression.


It's not that we were careless just now. It's a trick—someone lured us into this space.

If I'm not mistaken, it's all thanks to that adult fire source beast!"

one of the senior leaders interjected.

"You're right."

The other three senior leaders nodded in agreement.

All four of them had encountered many dangers in their travels, so this predicament was nothing new to them. Thus, instead of accepting defeat, they hatched a game plan.

"Be careful, everyone. We're trapped.

It'll be hard for us to defeat that adult fire source beast in such a place as this.

Let's get out of this space first and then figure out a way from there,"

one of the four senior leaders said after a short discussion.

"That's all we can do for now.

Let's get out of here. I can't take this fire anymore!"

the fourth young leader urged the others.

The other young leaders all felt the same.

Their bodies were being burnt—their skin blistered and their hair was scorched. The air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh.

Even their clothes had disintegrated, turning to ashes at their feet.

Worse still, their spiritual souls were invaded by the terrible laws of fire and were being burnt, too.

All four of them kept howling from the excruciating pain.

This forbidden area was absolutely terrifying to the eight young leaders.

The four senior leaders, on the other hand, were in better condition. After all, they were much more powerful than the eight young leaders.

Layers of divine energy and various laws appeared on the surface of their bodies, protecting their bodies against the flames.

At the same time, an incredible amount of spiritual senses tightly guarded their Soul Seas, defending them against the flames and the laws of fire.

Despite remaining virtually unscathed, the four of them were keenly aware that they wouldn't be able to defeat the adult fire source beast in such an environment.

This was why they had decided to leave this terrible place as soon as possible.

However, the adult fire source beast was not about to let them go so easily.

"Since you're already here, there's no need for you to leave so soon!"

The old man suddenly took a step forward, moving extremely fast.

In this forbidden area, his strength was not affected at all. On the contrary, it seemed he could exert himself to a much higher level.

He was like a fish in water, flitting about freely.

"Let's have a good fight!"

The old man laughed wildly.

Then, he made his move.

As he stretched out one hand,

the flames in the surrounding space started to gather into one area before him.


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