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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5117

Only then did the four old lords recall the deal that they had made with the creature from the ghost race. According to their deal, man from the ghost race would not release them unless they took out Austin once and for all.

But so far, they hadn't managed to dispose of him no matter how hard they tried.

"Sir, we have tried our very best. We tried every possible option but it’s a failure every time.

We could have killed him before, but the mature fire source beast has always been on Austin's side.

Besides, that space’s environment is in favor of the fire source beast race. So, we could not possibly beat that adult fire source beast in there,"

one of the four old lords gingerly explained to the man from the ghost race.

"I really don’t care about what you just said. That's entirely none of my business. All I know is that you promised me to terminate Austin on my behalf.

But since he is still very much alive, I can't set you free,"

the man from the ghost race flatly replied.

"Sir, we have been here for a very long time now. There are still a lot of affairs in the Time Chamber Sect that we need to deal with. Those are important matters that cannot wait any longer.

Please do us a favor and let us go now,"

the other old lord desperately pleaded.

"That's not really my concern. You still haven’t fulfilled your promise yet.

So, I will not release you until you finally bring Austin down,"

the man from the ghost race responded indifferently. He was determined to keep them here and keep their word.

"Sir, you've gone too far this time!" the four old lords shouted, glaring at the man from the ghost race.

They were heavily offended by his words, so they were pissed off at him.

The four of them were the best cultivators in the Absolute Space Sea, and they were showered with great respect and admiration no matter where they went. So, they were enraged with the man from the ghost race's words.

Their boiling anger would certainly bring great disaster to the Absolute Space Sea.

However, ever since they set foot in this space, things went completely different. They ran into the ghost race, and then crossed paths with a senior master of the fire source beast race.

Since they were much stronger than them, the four old lords had to swallow their pride and do whatever they asked them to do. They had no other choice but submit to them unless they wanted to die. All this made them upset and frustrated.

They felt totally powerless and desperate. All they wanted was to get out of here, but they couldn't.

"Just cut the crap. You only have two choices now. Either you submit to me and become my avatar, or you terminate Austin for me and I'll let you go. It’s all up to you,"

the member of the ghost race flatly said.

There were no signs of emotion on his face. It was obvious that he wanted to go straight to the point.

"Sir, the mature fire source beast in that space is way too powerful for us to handle.

We are no match for him at all. Since he is on Austin's side, we can't find a chance to take Austin down. We’ve tried so many times already to no avail,"

one of the old lords tried to talk sense to the man from the ghost race.

"As I told you before, that's not my concern. Either kill Austin or become my avatar.

That's the only way for us to finish this,"

the man from the ghost race impassively said.

The four old lords of the Time Chamber Sect got angrier and more frustrated at this.

They were well aware that the man from the ghost race in front of them was a very formidable being. They really didn't want to fight with him if it wasn’t necessary.

But they couldn't think of any other idea.

They had enough of his impossible demands, so the four old lords just stood there and stared at the man from the ghost race who was blocking their way.

"Sir, please, just let us go. If you let us go now, the Time Chamber Sect will always be indebted to you. We will never forget that,"

another old lord pleaded.

"I have no use of your gratitude. Stop bargaining with me; you won’t change my mind. I've already given you the choices. You have no other choice but to choose from these two,"

the man from the ghost race said adamantly. Obviously, he would not change his mind no matter what.

Upon hearing this, the four old lords got even more upset. They immediately exchanged glances at one another.

"He won’t really yield his demands. We have no other choice.


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