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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5137


This is great!

When you returned, I never thought you would bring the news of Bartholomew's death with you! Fantastic!"

the infinity beast exclaimed, bursting into fits of laughter after watching the scene unfold.

Over and over, Bartholomew had chased him and the White Emperor, and the infinity beast had started to feel hopeless. It had seemed like there was nothing he could do to stop him.

Now that he had seen with his own eyes that Bartholomew had been killed, he released a long sigh of relief.

"He's finally dead."

The White Emperor, on the other hand, had mixed feelings.

A long time ago, Bartholomew had been one of his most precious disciples, and he had been proud of him.

He had spent a lot of time and effort shaping Bartholomew, but to his disappointment, Bartholomew had betrayed him.

Now, Bartholomew had finally met his match and perished as a result.

Reflecting on the past, the White Emperor couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.

"Come on. There's no need to feel sorry for him.

Now that he is dead, you can focus on healing your wounds and you don't need to worry about being chased.

Bartholomew was the most powerful of all your disciples.

He had the power to track you down several times, making him your biggest threat,"

the infinity beast said to the White Emperor.

"Right. Now that Bartholomew is gone, we don't have to be afraid. Before, we had to constantly worry about him sending his men or coming here himself to torment us,"

the twelve zodiac animals chimed in. There was a hint of excitement in their voices.


I don't grieve for him.

I just get a little emotional when I think of the past,"

the White Emperor explained.

"Master, don't worry. I'll hunt down your other disciples one by one and kill them to avenge you!"

Austin promised.

"After that, no one else in the Absolute Space Sea will ever dare to chase you,"

he continued confidently.

"Thank you, Austin."

The White Emperor looked at Austin and nodded, but there was still a smile missing from his face.


It's like what I told you. Austin is the best among your disciples!"

the infinity beast stated, laughing again.

"Master, sir, how are you feeling now?"

Austin asked.

"Don't worry.

Our wounds aren't severe enough to cause death.

But it will take some more time before we can fully recover,"

the White Emperor answered.

"Austin, is that the fire source beast? Can you introduce him to us?"

the White Emperor asked, turning to look at the fire source beast, who was still lingering behind Austin.


Fire source beast, come and meet my master and the infinity beast,"

Austin said, grabbing the fire source beast by the arm and pulling him over.

"Wow. This is incredible. I've lived a long time but I never thought that I would get to meet a legendary fire source beast,"

the White Emperor and the infinity beast exclaimed at the same time. Their eyes were full of wonder.

"Austin, the leaders of the Time Chamber Sect followed you into the Eight Fires Valley.

Ever since, we hadn't heard a scrap of news about you.

I sent many spies to inquire about your whereabouts, but I got nothing in return.

What happened?"

the infinity beast asked, looking away from the fire source beast.

"I'll tell you. It's a long story though..."

Austin spent the next several minutes retelling the adventures he had in the special space in the Fiery Eye deep in the Eight Fires Valley to his master and the infinity beast.

"Wait. Seriously?


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