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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5153

"It's horrible!"

Everyone who stood witness to how the six gods of chaos regressed to powerless ordinary mortals was beyond flabbergasted.

The infinity beast's skill was simply unimaginable!

"How ill-fated!

We have been cultivating hard all our lives, only to end up like this!"

The six gods of chaos in the Heavenly Wind Space Sea all felt extremely desperate. They muttered to themselves, their eyes glassy. All life was bereft in their eyes, as if all hope was gone in them.

"Terrible news!

Our supreme grandmaster has become a mortal!

Our sect is doomed!"

All the members of the six super forces of the Heavenly Wind Space Sea felt hopeless. Witnessing their masters' status regress removed all hope inside of them.

They knew clearly that they were able to dominate the Heavenly Wind Space Sea because of the six gods of chaos.

Now that they did not possess such power anymore, these six influential sects could never rise again.

"This is amazing!

Now that your backs are pushed against the wall, you can't do anything now, can you?"

"Look how the tables have turned!

You bastards wanted to destroy our sect. This is where it got you!"

The Fame Sword Sect members added salt to the wound of their enemies. They laughed and taunted, triumphant that the infinity beast aided their sect.

They were forced to leave the Heavenly Wind Space Sea. After wandering outside for such a long time, they held a heavy grudge against the six other sects.

Now, they felt relief that they did not have to run from them.

"You deserve this!"

Eduardo spat with absolute indifference as he looked at the six gods of chaos who had become mortals.

"This is an iconic moment in history!

From this day forward, the Fame Sword Sect would be the sole ruler of the Heavenly Wind Space Sea!"

"Amazing! Their sect overthrew the others!

They are now considered as a super force in the Heavenly Wind Space Sea!"

In the distance, there were countless onlookers, and all of them were discussing in a low voice.

Prior to this momentous event, the Heavenly Wind Space Sea was still ruled by the six super forces. But in just a snap of finger, the situation completely changed.

"We are greatly indebted to you, sir! Thank you very much!"

Eduardo bowed respectfully to the infinity beast.

"It's not a big deal."

The infinity beast gave him a small smile.

"You are Austin's master, so you are one of us. There's no need to be formal around me,"

he continued.


I have heard you call my disciple by this name before. All this time, our sect has regarded him as Martin. Does this mean he has another name?"

Eduardo asked, stunned.

The name Austin was widespread in the entire Absolute Space Sea. In fact, his legendary life story had even reached farther space seas.

However, Eduardo led a secluded life and focused on swordsmanship. He dedicated most of his time honing his skills so he never got the opportunity to hear about Austin's illustrious power.

The former six gods of chaos, however, had a different reaction when they heard Austin's name—all of them immediately paled. They obviously knew how much power he held.

The mere mention of his name instantly made them think of someone—someone widely known in the entire Absolute Space Sea.

A very talented individual despite his age.

"Is Martin the same Austin that we have heard of?"

The six gods of chaos all stared at Austin's avatar with astonishment.

Of course, they would never dare to ask.

"Yes, master. It's true.

I have another name, Austin,"

Martin explained.

"Sir, now that you have mentioned my real name, these six old men have to suffer.

Kill them or erase their memories.

As former gods of chaos, they must have heard of my name. I'm afraid they will inform the darkness race or the Time Chamber Sect,"

Martin advised the infinity beast secretly while glancing at the six gods of chaos.

"Don't worry. I will erase their memories.

After that, I will send them into a closed small world.

They have lost their cultivation bases and can only live for a few hundred years at most.

It's practically impossible for them to leave that small world,"

the infinity beast answered.

"That is reassuring to hear, sir."

Martin nodded and felt relieved.

Then, the infinity beast waved his hand, and a powerful transmission force wrapped up the six gods of chaos.


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