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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5164

"So... Should I refer to you as Zander or Austin?"

Chloe asked.

"Whichever you want. Technically, both are my names,"

Zander replied.

"Okay. In that case, I will still call you Zander.

Is there a big difference between you and your real self?"

Chloe wondered.

"We are not totally the same, but the difference is small,"

Zander answered.

"I see."

Chloe nodded.

The whole time, she had been taking Zander in with her big, beautiful eyes. It was clear that she was reluctant to part with him.

She had fallen in love with Zander.

When she found out that he was an avatar, her feelings hadn't altered. In fact, her love for Zander had grown even deeper.

"Okay, Zander. You should go now.

Don't keep the infinity beast waiting,"

the leader of the Bright Moon Sect interrupted.

He could tell that his granddaughter had taken a fancy to Zander.

And he knew that the longer Zander stayed, the less she would want him to go.

"Master, Chloe, I have to go now.

See you later,"

Zander said.

"Let's go."

The infinity beast nodded.

With a wave of his sleeve, the infinity beast released powerful laws of time and sealed Zander in it. Then, he ran off.

In the blink of an eye, he had traveled through the space and was gone from their sights.

"The infinity beast is really powerful. I've never seen such an impressive cultivation base of the law of time,"

the leader of the Bright Moon Sect commented, sighing deeply as he stared at the spot where the infinity beast and Zander had disappeared.

Shock and excitement still filled him when he thought about how the infinity beast had effortlessly killed the people of the darkness race.

The people of the darkness race were incredibly powerful. Rumor had it that they could easily destroy the Thousand Waves Space Sea.

However, compared to the infinity beast, they were so weak that he had killed them each with one move.

"Grandpa, do you think he will come back?"

Chloe asked with a sigh, staring off into the distance.

For years, Zander had lived in the Thousand Waves Space Sea. She had spent tons of time by his side and had grown used to having him around.

She held wishes that she would marry him one day.

But now, Zander had left the Thousand Waves Space Sea and she didn't know for sure if she would ever see him again.

It was a cruel fact for her to accept.

"It all depends on fate.

Chloe, you have to understand that there are some things that can't be forced,"

the leader of the Bright Moon Sect replied, shaking his head. He knew what his granddaughter was thinking.

"From what I've heard, it sounds like Zander's real self is astonishing.

His avatar is a level-ten governing god.

That makes me think that

his real self is too skilled, even for me.

I bet that the Bright Moon Sect and the Thousand Waves Space Sea are miniscule in his eyes.

I think you may not be good enough for him,"

the leader of the Bright Moon Sect continued.


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