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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5171

"You are welcome.

All of these treasures are for you. Use them wisely."

All the old men were looking at Johan with pride swimming behind their eyes.

"Sirs, I can't,"

Johan said after some hesitation.

"I need to be honest with you. I can't hide it anymore. I'm going to leave the Drifting Moon Space Sea,"

he continued.


What did you say? You want to leave us?

Where are you going?"

The old men gasped, looking at Johan as bursts of shock traveled through them.

They felt so proud of Johan. He was not only their hope but the hope of the Drifting Moon Space Sea too.

"Unfortunately, I was not born to be a member of the Drifting Moon Space Sea. Soon, and I will return to my true purpose,"

Johan admitted.


What do you mean by that?

If you are not one of us, then where do you belong?"

Every second that went by made the old men more confused.

They all stared at Johan, waiting for his explanation.

In their eyes, Johan had always been the most talented young man in the Drifting Moon Space Sea.

But now, he was telling them that he had never been a member of the Drifting Moon Space Sea.

They thought and thought but they couldn't come up with an explanation. They assumed that Johan had lost his mind.

"Johan, don't leave us hanging. Tell us more!"

one of the old men said after taking a deep breath.

"Are... Are you a spy?

Did you come from one of our enemy space seas? Did they send you to gain the upper hand on us?

Don't lie!"

another old man asked harshly. An idea had entered his mind.

Was Johan a spy?

When the other old men heard that, their faces turned pale. They started to watch Johan with vigilant eyes.

If something were to go wrong, they were prepared to fight him.

The other space seas nearby had always been hostile towards the Drifting Moon Space Sea. They had been battling each other for years.

If Johan was a spy from one of those space seas, it would be a hard pill for them to swallow.

Over the years, they had spent countless hours training him. They wanted him to be the new leader.

"Please don't misunderstand.

I swear that I'm not a spy.

I also despise those space seas.

I will always be on the side of the Drifting Moon Space Sea.

Please, just trust me!"

Johan pleaded, looking at the old men frantically.

"If you want us to trust you, you have to explain everything,"

one of the old men said, finally dropping his guard.


Johan hesitated.

He could not tell the old men that he was one of Austin's avatars, but they had all been very good to him. Over the years, they had sacrificed a lot of energy and materials to his cultivation.

For that, he didn't want to lie to them either.

Guilt washed over him again. He would have to let them down further.

Suddenly, faint noises interrupted them.


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