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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5175

"Okay. Let's get started right away.

I knew you could find something for me to do,"

the infinity beast said with a smile.

"Get everyone ready! This fight will be a big one!"

Filled with excitement, the nine gods of chaos from the Drifting Moon Space Sea gathered their people and prepared them for battle.

Half a day later, they sent out the order

and led their army away from the Drifting Moon Space Sea.

The infinity beast and Johan joined them, secretly looking forward to the bloodbath.


After setting a marching pace, the army headed for a nearby space sea.

With the help of the infinity beast, they easily conquered every single space sea they had ever quarreled with.

In those space seas, there were many gods of chaos, but none of them was a match for the infinity beast. They all perished from a single attack.

"This is great!

Now we can relax and rest. We don't have to worry about the enemies invading our space sea anymore!"

"Yes. Now our Drifting Moon Space Sea can enter a period of peace!"

The nine gods of chaos felt so overjoyed. Their laughter filled the air for minutes.

"Johan, all the years spent training you were not in vain.

Your friend helped us defeat those hostile space seas after all,"

one of the gods of chaos remarked.

"I have always regarded myself as a member of the Drifting Moon Space Sea. It was my duty,"

Johan said humbly.


Thank you for not letting us down!"

The nine gods of chaos felt eternally grateful towards Johan.

"Sirs, it's time for me to leave,"

Johan said.

When they heard that, the nine gods of chaos all fell silent for a moment. The smiles disappeared from their faces.

"Johan, I know you have your own life and don't belong to the Drifting Moon Space Sea.

We can't be selfish and keep you here.

But remember, the Drifting Moon Space Sea will always be your home.

Come back and visit us when you have the chance,"

one of them said a moment later.

"Sir, don't worry. I will,"

Johan promised, nodding firmly.

"Well, Austin, now that your affairs in this space sea have been settled, we have to go,"

the infinity beast interrupted.


Let's go now,"

Johan agreed as he turned to look at the infinity beast.

The infinity beast waved his sleeve and some powerful energy seeped out. It rolled up Johan. Then, the infinity beast turned around and ran. A moment later, he had passed through space and disappeared without a trace.

"Austin, the darkness race has already targeted your avatars.

Things are getting worse.

Currently, only a small amount of your avatars have become level-ten governing gods.

The rest are still trying to cultivate.

The members of the darkness race will go everywhere in search of your avatars. None of them are safe,"

the infinity beast said to Johan as they traveled through the Absolute Space Sea at a high speed.

"Yes. I think that the wizards from the darkness race already know their exact locations,"

Johan said.


That's most likely true,"

the infinity beast agreed with a nod.

"We must focus on how we're going to protect your avatars.

Each of them was created from the fruits of supreme enlightenment and is incomparably precious.

If you were to lose one, your breakthrough to a god of chaos would be hindered,"


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