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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5192

"No! I can't move my legs or my arms!"

One by one, the members from the darkness race realized that they were frozen and screams of panic left their lips.

All the eyes of the gods of chaos and the wizards turned to stare at the infinity beast. He was the one who had displayed the laws of time. His strength was far more superior to their own despite both sides being gods of chaos.

"The infinity beast is amazing! Did you see what he just did?"

Austin's avatar exclaimed, looking at the infinity beast with admiration.

Diego, Jadiel, and the others were also in awe. Even though they had all become gods of chaos, they felt like they still had a long way to go before they were as strong as the infinity beast.

Currently, every member from the darkness race was stuck in the space because of the brilliant law of time that the infinity beast had displayed. From a distance, they resembled a photograph.

"Hurry up! What are you guys waiting for? Go kill all these bastards from the darkness race!"

Crosby ordered with a wave of his hand.

Releasing battle cries, all the members from the reincarnation army charged. At that moment, they were invincible.

The members from the darkness race could no longer move, so they had no way to fight back. They were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

When they saw their enemies coming, the gods of chaos and the wizards from the darkness race struggled against their paralyzed bodies, but it was fruitless. They were all killed by Crosby and his companions.

After it was all over, Austin arrived.

The moment that he entered the Heavenly Seal Space Sea, he looked around at all the body parts scattered on the ground.

Every member from the darkness race, including the gods of chaos and the wizards, had died. None of them stood a chance against the infinity beast and the reincarnation army.

Austin lifted his eyes and they landed on the infinity beast, Crosby, Diego, Jadiel, and the other members from the reincarnation army.

"It looks like I'm a little late to the party,"

Austin commented with a smile. As he approached his avatar, he knew exactly what had happened.

Now that there was a short distance between the two of them, Austin could read his avatar's memories.

So he instantly knew who Crosby and his companions were.

"Sirs, thank you very much for your help,"

Austin said to Crosby and the other members from the reincarnation army.

"You're welcome.

We're here under the order of the three Lords of Reincarnation,"

Crosby replied.

Suddenly, the infinity beast interrupted them.

"I have bad news! Austin, I've received messages from your other avatars! They all need your help!"

he exclaimed as a crease of worry wrinkled his face.

"So the darkness race has sent more of its members to deal with me and my avatars. When will they just give up?"

Austin said in a cold voice.

"We can't afford to wait around. We have to go and help your other avatars right now,"

the infinity beast urged.

"Let's wait until this avatar finishes the Thunderstroke Doom and becomes a level-ten governing god,"

Austin stated.

That avatar had been undergoing the Thunderstroke Doom in the Heavenly Seal Space Sea when the members from the darkness race had come to attack him, so he didn't get the chance to complete it.

"Okay. But please hurry."

The infinity beast nodded but there was still some worry on his face.

Austin's avatar found a quiet space and sat down with his legs crossed. Then, he closed his eyes tightly and focused on his cultivation.

Soon, hundreds of black clouds gathered above his head. Powerful lightning strikes rained down, leaving burnt patches in the ground.


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