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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 5201

The illusory figure was the spy that the reincarnation race had sent to eavesdrop on the Lords of Darkness. He had just narrowly escaped from the No. 2 lair of the darkness race with his life.

All that remained of him was a portion of his soul and he was extremely weak as he stood in front of the three Lords of Reincarnation in the Reincarnation Palace and reported what he had just witnessed.


I saw it all with my own two eyes.

The three Lords of Darkness and Cain left the No. 2 lair and entered the Absolute Space Sea together.

It's very rare for all three Lords of Darkness to leave the No. 2 lair at the same time.

And Cain is now the most powerful wizard in the darkness race. His deduction abilities allow him to find anyone he wants.

Something serious must have happened. Otherwise, the four of them wouldn't have left the No. 2 lair and entered the Absolute Space Sea together.

Originally, I wanted to follow them and see what they were going to do, but I was discovered before I could do so,"

the spy explained in an urgent tone.

"The three Lords of Darkness are not weak. Of course they noticed your presence.

Don't worry. I will help you recover and return to your original strength,"

Forest said.

"Thank you, sir!"

A large smile spread on the spy's face.

Because he was only a remnant of a soul, his strength had plummeted. Now that a chance of full recovery was presented before him, there was no way that he would turn it down.

"Something big must have happened to attract the attention of those three old men.

But what could it be?"

The three Lords of Reincarnation all scratched their chins, deep in thought.

"Do you think it has something to do with our reincarnation race?"

Luis speculated, staring intently up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, but I think we should pay close attention to it,"

Randall proposed with a stern look on his face.

"I agree. Let's send our men to find out what those three old men are up to!"

Forest agreed after a few seconds of consideration.

Moments later, a large number of spies from the reincarnation race marched out of the Reincarnation Palace and into the Absolute Space Sea. They wouldn't return until they had news regarding the mission of the Lords of Darkness.

Meanwhile, Austin, Crosby, the infinity beast, the fire source beast, and some members from the reincarnation army were hiding in the Absolute Space Sea.

They had split up and tried to maintain long distances from each other so they could cover more ground.

There were lots of small space seas in that area of the Absolute Space Sea, and they were very close to each other.

Austin's avatars were cultivating in the space seas.

"Good news, Austin. Another one of your avatars is currently going through the Thunderstroke Doom and is going to become a level-ten governing god!"

the infinity beast exclaimed, clapping his hands together once in anticipation.

"You're right.

I felt it too,"

Austin responded with a smile.

"Let me see how is everything going over there."

After he had finished talking, Austin activated his bodily movement skill and walked towards the space sea at a very fast pace.

A moment later, he had reached his destination.

The space sea was slightly larger than the rest. Over a dozen gods of chaos resided there.

It could be considered as a powerful space sea in the Absolute Space Sea.

The second that Austin walked inside, he saw a large number of dark clouds gathering in one area. Dazzling lightning bolts flickered among the dark clouds, emitting a strong, intimidating aura.


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