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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 521

Despite their mighty cultivation base of the Sky Realm, all of the cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had been killed by Austin. Only the corpse of the man in white remained intact. The rest of them were all smashed into minced meat.

"This...is unbelievable..." Dewey murmured. He and his companions were the first to come back to their senses.

After all, Austin had kept them safe all this time, and the fight didn't involve them at all.

"Austin... These people... from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom...were...all killed..." Dewey stuttered. He was too shocked to utter a complete sentence. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and he stared at the bloody carnage of flesh and gore scattered on the ground.

The metallic tang of blood made him gag and he wanted to vomit, even though he was usually a strong-minded person.

Even Austin himself couldn't help but swallow heavily when he saw the havoc around him. He hadn't expected the battle to end so swiftly or in this grotesque massacre.

'Wow, this is the power of the evil ape.

It's so strong!' he thought.

'If I had gone to pick the soul-recovering fruits without the Flame Emperor's Beast-subduing Skill in my possession, I guess I too would have been killed like these cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.'

Thinking of it, Austin was grateful for his luck.

"Okay. Let's leave this place now," he said with a brave, but tight smile as he turned to the people behind him.

As always, he appeared calm, as if he had not just caused the destruction of nine cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

"Austin..." Dewey stammered.

He licked his lips and regained a little composure. Finally, he was able to speak as usual.

"Austin, you're awesome! These people were invincible in my eyes, yet you effortlessly wiped them out. Austin, I can't admire you more..." Dewey went on and on without stopping. Suddenly, he realized something.

"Oh, by the way, what kind of monster was it?"

he asked curiously with his eyes locked reverently upon Austin's face, as he was dying to hear the answer.

Upon hearing that, Maria, Denali, Iris, and Anna all turned to look at Austin, also waiting for his reply.

They had been present the whole time while Austin was fighting against the people from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. They had seen with their own eyes how Austin had unleashed the horrible monster.

"Ahem! Guys, don't act like groupies."

Their keen, awed eyes and curious expressions amused Austin. He shook his head with profound resignation. Patting the dust off his clothes, he prepared to leave.

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's go. If you don't want to leave, then stay," he said before he turned to leave the valley.

"Austin, come on, we're all friends. Just tell us about the monster."

Dewey didn't want to give up. Carefully minding his step over the bodily remains, he hurriedly trotted after Austin.

Maria, Iris, and Anna also followed in their wake.

Denali turned to look at her companion, who was still unconscious.

Biting her lips, she made up her mind and ran after them. Far better to be safely at Austin's side than left behind on the battlefield. ...

In the valley, two people had kept their cool during the confrontation—Graham and Bruce.

When Austin had started to combat the cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, Bruce and Graham had taken the chance to flee to the edge of the valley.

They had planned to escape from the valley once the situation worsened.

When the evil ape had appeared and then massacred the people from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, Graham and Bruce were dumbfounded and horrified.

They were too far away from the battlefield to actually see what skills Austin had used. Besides, Austin had tried his best to hide his moves when he unleashed the evil ape and then withdrew it at the end of the battle.

As a result, Graham and Bruce hadn't seen Austin unleash or withdraw the evil ape with their own eyes. However, they were both intelligent people, and they somehow guessed that the horrible monster must have had something to do with him.

The monster had slaughtered the cultivators of the Sky Realm so effortlessly, as if they were defenseless babies. Bruce and Graham had offend Austin many times, and even tried to kill him. Now, however, they broke out in cold sweat.

'Jeez! We were truly seeking death back then!'

As soon as Austin left the valley, the cultivators at the Mysterious Realm from the Violet Orchid Empire arose from the ground one after another.

Seeing the scattered blood and flesh on the ground, they looked at each other in fear and awe. "Were the cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom really killed so easily?" one of them asked.

Someone beside him answered, "Yes. Austin killed one of them first. Then a monster appeared out of nowhere, and smashed the rest of them into minced meat."

When the evil ape had let out a deafening roar, the cultivators at the Mysterious Realm had been intimidated by its strong aura and had flung themselves down on the ground. They didn't dare to even move.

However, a few cultivators who were much bolder had raised their heads to watch the fight. And they had seen the evil ape ravage the cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

After the cultivators at the Mysterious Realm had chatted among themselves for a while, the cultivators at the Earth Realm awoke one after another.

They got up and looked in awe at the terrible scene around them. They began to ask others about the event.

When they heard that the nine cultivators at Sky Realm from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had been killed, they were thrilled, and indulged themselves in the joy of being survivors amidst the hellish carnage. Suddenly a loud cheer sounded as if it were a festival or something.

During the past few days, the nine cultivators from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had been bullying the cultivators from the Violet Orchid Empire. They had killed many people and raped many women.


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