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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 528

Austin took out three black and white fruits and handed them to Prince Reuben.

All the other princes, who were just standing close, instantly shifted their gazes to Austin as soon as they heard about the Soul-recovering Fruit.

Shock flooded their faces when they caught sight of the fruits on Austin's palm. Their eyes were all wide open and their mouth gaped in disbelief.

It was the Prince Reuben who recovered first. He looked dull and lifeless just minutes ago. However, his mood changed after realizing what happened. He was suddenly thrilled and couldn't even hold his excitement well! Even his chest began to heave heavily as his breath quickened.

"T-The Soul- recovering fruit... Y-you... Austin... You are... You... You are so awesome! Goodness! Are these Are these really the Soul-recovering fruits!" stuttered Prince Reuben as he was overwhelmed with joy.

He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. He then looked at the old man beside him and exclaimed, "Milton, look at what we have here!" Looking at the old man, Austin could tell that he was at the premium stage of Mysterious Realm.

It was possible that he was a master who came from the underground world and worked for Prince Reuben.

"The fruits are authentic, Your Highness. They contain powerful spiritual energy coming from heaven and earth. They can't be fake. These are indeed the soul-recovering fruits!"

Milton's shock was clear on his face. Clearly, it seemed that this was his first time seeing such a rare and precious treasure too.

"Ha! Oh boy! Austin, you are unbelievable!

I can't believe that you really brought the soul-recovering fruits!

This is such a big surprise! How could you be this naughty? You didn't even tell me about this until now!

You gave me no clue! Ha-ha!" Prince Reuben roared with laughter.

Having confirmed that everything was real before his eyes, he was glowing with happiness as his laughter echoed in that place. He was even teary with joy!

"Soul-recovering fruits!

How could it be you who got them? You are nothing but a hateful bastard!"

The grand prince's face grew furious as he came out of shock and realized what was happening. He was suddenly turning purple with rage as he glared at Austin. This turn of event was like a slap on his face.

He was more than sure earlier that he was the one who would win the throne. He was even boasting about it. However, Austin came in with the soul-recovering fruit! How dare this man shame him!

The situation made the grand prince so upset that he let out a bloodcurdling cry. His eyes were bloodshot when he shot Austin with disdain. He was even worse than a gambler who lost all his money.

"This is impossible! You are not even qualified to have the soul-recovering fruits, Austin! They are mine!"

the grand prince said. He was already losing his mind. Suddenly, he rushed towards Austin like a hawk that pounced on its prey. He clawed at the black and white fruits that were still on Austin's palms.

As someone who was at the medium stage of Mysterious Realm, the grand prince's bodily movement skill was good. He was fast and precise while attacking Austin. He wanted to take Austin by surprise.

"How dare you!"

cried Prince Reuben upon seeing what happened.

However, Austin wasn't the type of person who would just let the grand prince snatch the soul-recovering fruit that easily. His cultivation base and powerful spiritual sense would help Austin to stop him anyway.

He glared coldly at the grand prince who mindlessly attacked him and snorted, "Huh! In your dreams!"

Waves of powerful vital energy force burst out from his body. He then counter-attacked the grand prince in one swift move.

The grand prince felt like he was struck by lightning the moment Austin's vital energy force hit him. He was thrown at the air in an enormous speed.

In reality, Austin didn't really want to hurt the prince since the emperor was within the same square. Thus, he just used one-third of his real strength in that strike.

Nonetheless, the grand prince was still thrown thirty meters away before falling to the ground. A deafening thud echoed when his body hit the floor face down.

"Protect Austin!"

Prince Reuben immediately ordered as soon as the grand prince fell. His men quickly surrounded Austin to protect him. Milton also joined the other men and stood before Austin. They were all alert as they guarded for all possible dangers that might come.

On the other hand, Austin found this funny. He didn't need these people to protect him since his cultivation base was higher than any of them. However, he did understand that this was for the sake of the soul-recovering fruits. It was apparent that Prince Reuben couldn't afford to lose them.

"Austin, as long as you give the soul-recovering fruits to me and join my forces, I will appoint you as the prime minister or the protector general of the army when I become the emperor. You will be only second to me and stand above anyone else."


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