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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 540

There was a dense forest in the outer mountains of Grand Desolation Mountain range.

All of a sudden, a deafening snarl of an angry beast came breaking the apparent tranquility of the forest.

"Roar!" The roar reverberated through the towering trees.

Then, a giant beast with unpleasant smell stormed out of the forest, breaking several trees that stood in the way. Its whole body was badly scarred, and the wounds were bleeding freely. Its skin had ruptured in places and raw flesh could be seen peeping out of his wounds.

"Hah! You beast, stop running! Let me practice my Brutal Blast Fist with you."

A young man came out, chasing the beast. He was as fast as lightning as he ran after the beast. The young man was none other than Austin. He stopped the beast in its tracks with a laugh.

As Austin proceeded ahead with his cultivation practices, he went into the depths of the outer mountains of Grand Desolation Mountain range to practice his skills with the demonic and diabolic beasts. He had just started practicing the Brutal Blast Fist and wanted to use it in the real fights to test its power. As a result, the nightmare of the demonic and diabolic beasts had started. Whenever Austin met demonic and diabolic beasts above level 4, he would use the Brutal Blast Fist to fight them.

The level 4 and level 5 demonic and diabolic beasts were equivalent to cultivators at the Earth Realm.

And given the upgraded power and strength Austin acquired lately, he could kill these beasts effortlessly.

However, in order to practice the Brutal Blast Fist, he didn't use his other martial arts skills. Instead, he would use different kinds of forces of the Brutal Blast Fist on these unlucky beasts. Austin always liked to challenge his own skills in every step of his cultivation process.

Demonic and diabolic beasts were born with strong bodies. Thus, they were the best opponents for Austin to practice the Brutal Blast Fist with. He had been dealing with these beasts for several days. After days of practice, he attained control over the Brutal Blast Fist more skillfully.

And much to his surprise, after he knew the Brutal Blast Fist better, he was even successful in using the eight forces together, causing the beasts to explode from the inside.

The beast Austin was dealing with at the moment was a black rock diabolic bull. It was a level 5 diabolic beast.

It was clear from its name that its whole body was black. And by the virtue of its black body, it would not be visible at night.

The black rock diabolic bull was famous for its high defensiveness—its skin was as hard as a rock.

Although it was a level 5 diabolic beast, equivalent to a cultivator at the premium stage of Earth Realm, it was difficult for a cultivator at the Mysterious Realm to break its defensiveness because of its rock-like skin.

Austin had been after the black rock diabolic bull for almost an hour and had used eight forces of the Brutal Blast Fist on it one after another. In fact, he had reduced his strength on purpose. However, despite its hard skin, every time Austin hurled a force on the black rock diabolic bull, it had wounds all over its body that even made it cry in pain.

The black rock diabolic bull was frightened by Austin. Though he seemed to be young, he had a commendable body movement and extremely refined skills. His fists were so strong and powerful that whenever he threw a punch at the beast, a wound would be inflicted on its body.

The black rock diabolic bull didn't dare to fight back any longer. It turned around in an attempt to run away from him.

It was a piece of cake for Austin to catch up to the black rock diabolic bull with his agile bodily movement skill. In just a few steps, he blocked its way again.

"Moo..." The black rock diabolic bull swayed its head in desperation and mooed.

The black rock diabolic bull got easily irritated. It was defending itself against Austin's powerful attacks for a long time. The numerous attempts it took to counter-attack failed. And now it was even unable to run away from Austin. Now, it got enraged. Its eyes became red as blood; it stared at Austin and hit its hoof on the ground heavily.


A big bang reverberated through the earth and the heavens, making all birds fly out of their nests out of fear. An ominous tremble shook the ground with great force. The black rock diabolic bull dashed towards Austin with its horns pointed forward madly, just like a steel chariot. The two black horns as sharp as knives looked dreadful as they were charged towards Austin.

"Huh! You are so desperate, aren't you?"

Austin teased with a playful smile on his face.


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