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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 548

Austin was trying to subdue those beasts. He soon found out that the effort was consuming some of his spiritual sense when he cast the Beast-subduing Skill to form the spiritual sense array.

But for Austin, the loss of the spiritual sense to form the array was nothing compared to the powerful spiritual sense pool he had within him.

In addition to that, the Soul-warming Bead embedded in his Soul Sea had been nourishing his spiritual sense and enriching it all the time. Due to this, each time there was a consumption of his spiritual sense, it would be replenished rapidly and that prepared him for the next battle.

Most important of all, there was one thing about this Beast-subduing Skill that made Austin very happy.

The reason of his joy was that after invading a beast's soul by using the spiritual sense array formed by Beast-subduing Skill and getting the beast under control, even if the very beast was hunted down or killed in a battle later, Austin's spiritual sense would hardly be affected.

The Flame Emperor once told him that, there were many controlling spiritual sense martial arts skills, such as using spiritual sense to control dummies and beasts or forming a delusional body. And they all shared one common weakness. It was that when the dummies and beasts or the delusional bodies were under attack or killed, the spiritual senses of the hosts that cast the controlling skills would be injured at the same time.

Being unlike those skills, the Beast-subduing Skill was absolutely safe for Austin if he were to cast spiritual sense control over the beasts. He would never have to worry about any latent danger if they were killed.

The Flame Emperor also told him that the Beast-subduing Skill was serendipitously discovered by him in ancient antiquity. Although it had been ages since it was first created, the power it contained was far beyond the modern controlling spiritual sense marital arts skills.

This was the actual reason why Austin dared to subdue a considerable number of beasts just by himself.

Taking ten sixth-grade diabolic beasts with him, Austin was just about to return to the valley where Violet was staying.

Suddenly, an anxious voice was transmitted to him through his mind.

Austin's face turned pale.

It was Violet calling for help. Since the distance wasn't much, they were able to maintain the ability to connect through their minds.

'Damn! Violet is in danger!'

After getting to know the whole story from Violet through their mind communication, a coldness took over Austin's face. 'These people really have no idea about what situation they are getting into and whom they are provoking. I will teach them how to spell the word DEATH!' Austin thought to himself fiercely.

Austin quickly took the beast-subduing bag off his waist and put all the ten sixth-grade diabolic beasts into the beast-subduing bag.

The beast-subduing bag was given to Austin by the Flame Emperor when they were in the Mysterious Nether World. According to him, beast-subduing bag was a very cheap and commonly used gear from where he came from—the Divine Continent.

But the one which the Flame Emperor gave to Austin was a good quality bag. The storage capacity was much more than others and allowed him to hold a great number of beasts along with the tenth-level ancient evil ape that was captured in the Mysterious Nether World.

Right after he put all the beasts inside the bag, he immediately performed the Wind-commanding Skill and quickly set out to the valley where Violet was trapped. He ran so fast that his shadow could barely catch up with him. . . .

Deep in the valley, the fresh new grass and the pink blossom of wild flowers swayed under the shining sun and gentle wind. Contrary to the pleasant view, a group of demonic foxes were surrounded by a large crowd of humans in an open field. The smell of danger was prevalent in the air.

"Hey! I can't believe my eyes. Prior to today, I thought the nine-tail demon fox was just a tale. What a lucky day for us! What a lucky day for me!" A greedy voice was heard from the crowd.

"Yeah. It's unbelievable. I heard that the nine-tail demon fox was a special bloodline which inherited from the fox origins in the antiquity era. They are very rare and their potential growth is remarkable. If I can subdue one of them and become their sire, I believe, it will be a huge add-on to my strength!" Another man responded.

Discussions and small talks took place, all at once among those people.

They wanted to capture all the demonic foxes and put them to their own use.

Meanwhile in the center of the open field, a young man dressed completely in black was staring at the trapped demonic foxes. His eyes seemed to be on fire.


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