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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 569

A wound up discussion about a certain cultivator became more agitated as the people talking stood in awe of his capabilities. "Yes, you are right. Austin's cultivation base has reached the Sky Realm," one of them affirmed. "His power is beyond our imagination now."

The man nibbled on his lower lip anxiously before he spoke once more, "I have personally witnessed Austin's fight with the Blood Wolf Ancestor at the royal backyard garden. He crippled the Blood Wolf Ancestor's arm with only one hit!" Widening his eyes, he whisper-shouted conspiratorially, "I would not have believed it if I were not there!"

Sighing, the man recalled how aggressively Austin had fought with the Blood Wolf Ancestor and could not help feeling a second wave of shock and even a little bit of fear at the display of the cultivator's formidable strength.

By himself, Theon could not even fathom battling such a powerful being, let alone gathering enough confidence to challenge the Blood Wolf Ancestor. On the other hand, Austin single-handedly brought grave danger to his opponent by only utilizing some of his skills. 'To think that that was not even his full strength...' the man shivered at the memory. If the emperor had not stepped in to meddle before the fatal blow Austin was about to deliver, the Blood Wolf Ancestor would have been slain that day.

"It is true then? That Austin was able to fight the Blood Wolf Ancestor? It is kind of hard to believe that he has become so powerful."

The elders and the stewards present all gasped in wonderment. Whispers through the grapevine had reached their ears about the supposed fight but they were greatly unconvinced then. Now that there was a confirmation of the occurrence, they shivered like taut wires met with a sudden disturbance.

It was all sorts of ridiculous—the fact that a former disciple of their Sun Sect was now someone who had the potential to be a remarkable cultivator and could defeat those of great power.

During the past year, Austin had a significant improvement in his martial arts cultivation. There was not a single day that Austin did not train for hours on end, choosing to prioritize the process of preparing himself through rigorous practice and adapting the kind of focus and direction unparalleled by any other cultivator. Due to his perseverance, he undoubtedly succeeded in defeating Abbott and even severely injuring the Blood Wolf Ancestor. The two unbelievable happenings had spread all over the Violet Orchid Empire, which earned Austin quite a reputation. Furthermore, many of the elder cultivators were astounded by his outstanding achievements, while the younger generation had started to regard him as someone to look up to.

After facing off with Austin twice, the Blood Wolf Team found themselves at a loss as the young cultivator dramatically weakened not just their forces but their morale as well. As the events had progressed, it seemed as if they would never recover from such a setback. It was such an embarrassment and a huge blow to their egos, given the fact that they were defeated by a boy no more than twenty years old after deeming themselves one of the most powerful forces in the empire. Every member eventually felt a sense of shame and dishonor at the turn of events.

Indisputably, it would have been an interesting narrative if the Blood Wolf Team had declined merely because of its conflict with a single boy.

One of the elders stood up and addressed the figure in front of the crowd. "Sect Leader, it is obvious that we have overlooked and failed to recognize a real talent."

"If Austin remained to be a disciple of our sect, we would have had a member in our midst who holds a great power of the Sky Realm now, and that would have been an immense advantage for us."

With an expression full of regret, blotches of red bloomed across the elder's face.

The other elders nodded silently in agreement with him. As they looked at one another with quiet distress, they felt a pang of guilt at the fact that they forewent an opportunity to keep Austin. Everyone had understood the significance of having a powerful cultivator at the Sky Realm be a member of the Violet Orchid Empire.

As the ruling party of the Violet Orchid Empire, the royal family maintained a strong sense of authority and aptitude that no else simply had in the empire. Moreover, their largest guarantee that they could affirm such power over the empire was the existence of numerous potent cultivators that currently attained the Sky Realm.


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