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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 575

"What a surprise! I hadn't expected that he would return at such a critical moment."

A Steward of the Sun Sect hit a corpse soldier, and hurled the soldier off the peak's edge. A second soldier was slammed into the ground, his right arm severed by the Steward's vital energy force. Then the Steward looked towards the bottom of the mountain. Ecstasy sparkled in his eyes when he saw the figure who rushed up the peak like a lightning bolt.

The Steward was Murray.

As the crackling noise grew closer, the figure flashing up the mountain slope to the peak emitted a brilliant glaring light. In the blink of an eye, Austin stood in front of them and looked around with a casual expression.

"It's Austin! I can't believe this!"

"I know him! He is Austin. He was once the topmost one of outer disciples."

"It's said that he has become a legend in the foreign lands where he has traveled. Everyone knows his name..."

Many of the disciples of the Sun Sect began murmuring among themselves when they saw Austin's sudden appearance.

Austin had recently been a celebrity in the Violet Orchid Empire, and he was known to all the disciples of the Sun Sect. They were proud that such a famous figure like Austin had come from the Sun Sect.

In the midst of battle, everyone's attention was diverted to the magnificent figure of Austin who was wreathed in lightning.

"Austin! You son of bitch! Today, I will break you into pieces to avenge the death of my grandson,"

an angry scream echoed at Austin's presence.

"Oh, it's you! Jaime!

Ha-ha! I just wondered where you were. That's good! We can deal with all that business now, face to face.

You have nowhere to run today, you old asshole!"

His eyes burned with killing intent when he looked at Jaime. He could not forget that Jaime's sneak attack had resulted in him going crazy for three years and becoming a moron.

"So you are Austin!

The celebrated young hero!

I believe that you know full well the future of the Violet Orchid Empire. Our Ghost Sect has triumphed over more than half of the empire with our irresistible force.

Austin, I could use a young hero like you. If you'd like to join our sect, I promise you the sect will offer you special treatment. And I will recommend you to the rank of Son of the Ghost Sect.

You should know that Son of the Ghost Sect is a superior rank among our sect. And every one of our sect leaders are selected from the rank of Son of the Ghost Sect."

Apparently, Seth had also heard about Austin's famous adventures. He coveted Austin's talent and wanted him to join the Ghost Sect.


You want me to be a Son of the Ghost Sect? I'm so flattered!"

Austin was shocked at first, and then laughed at himself.

When Theon and the others of the Sun Sect had heard Seth's inviting offer, they became nervous and had worried that the temptation would prove too much.

Seth's offer was really lucrative, and they feared that Austin would switch sides, just like Jaime had done.

"He will not agree," Murray said with confidence.

He had watched Austin grow up from childhood, and he knew Austin's personality well. He firmly believed that Austin would never join the Ghost Sect because of an attractive offer.

"Thank you for your kind offer, sir.

But I wouldn't like to stay with people who spend all of their time with corpses.

Besides, I haven't taught you a lesson for your offense to the Sun Sect yet,"


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