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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 589

"I heard that both the emperor of the Mysterious Sky Empire and the Ghost Sect Leader are leading the huge army. From what I know, they are both formidable warriors who are in the Imperial Realm of their cultivation base. It's a grim picture for the Violet Orchid Empire indeed.

And they are accompanied by dozens of master-warriors who are in the cultivation base of Sky Realm just lurking in their army.

I wonder whether the imperial capital city would survive this battle."

The emperor gazed in the distance for a short while, then he slowly bowed his head and sighed.

"Your Majesty, only the Abdicated Emperor Warren is capable of holding off the two Imperial Realm masters. But, we have no idea when his seclusion period will end."

Lord Protector General stood by the emperor and anxiously reported to him.

"I have already informed my father of our current situation using my spiritual sense. He should arrive any time soon.

But the odds are against him if he were to face those two Imperial Realm warriors all by himself.

Moreover, they have dozens of masters in the Sky Realm of cultivation base in their campsite. They have totally surrounded us with sheer strength.

The imperial capital city has been under siege for a couple of days now. I have no idea how long we can keep our defenses up against their constant bombardment."

The emperor's voice was filled with worry and stress. He was fearful for the safety of his people.

Then suddenly, the sound of drumbeats thundering loudly and powerfully boomed all throughout the entire imperial capital city. It was heard in every corner of the city and did not stop pounding.

"They are getting ready to launch attack!"

The sound of the beating drums painted a solemn and fearful expression on a dozen men who were from the royal court of the Violet Orchid Empire.

The ground shook and shuddered as wave after wave of warriors thundered towards the fortress, their rumbling footsteps echoed throughout the city. Every soul in the empire felt anxious and afraid just witnessing this monstrous number of soldiers.

"Relay my command. Everyone, prepare for the battle.

All the generals and soldiers, go forth and guard the walls. Keep our line of defense strong!"

The emperor snapped in a stern voice, his face was etched with determination and authority.

Figures suddenly flashed to their position as they followed his command. They were like shadows appearing out of thin air.

"Hear me my great generals and soldiers of the royal court! This is a battle of life and death for our Violet Orchid Empire. Fight them 'till your last breath!"

The emperor's strong and resolute voice echoed across every corner of the entire imperial capital city with the help of his vital energy.

Upon hearing his words, every single man who guarded the walls felt a positive wave washed upon them, giving them strength and determination. They gave a firm nod towards their mighty emperor. This is really a matter of life and death, and they will give it their all until the very end.

As the imperial capital city prepared for the incoming onslaught, the waves of warriors continued surging towards the city's walls. Everyone could hear the crash of the impending battle as the howling of the enemy neared them.

In the air, rushing streaks of light fleeted past the oceans like fired bullets speeding in mid-air, they were masters above the Mysterious Realm cultivation base in the Mysterious Sky Empire and the Ghost Sect.

They halted abruptly around a thousand meters from the imperial capital city. The vast space in front of the imperial capital city was black with warriors, they went on and on as far as one could see. Murderous will mounted to heaven and enveloped the imperial capital city!

Dozens of figures fleeted in the air as the troops halted, a large man who was wearing an emperor's robe embroidered with nine golden dragons arrogantly stepped out of the crowd as he sneered and gazed furiously at the well-guarded Violet Orchid Empire imperial capital city.

"He he, I never expected that you could actually withstand our intense siege and last this long. But who cares? You're all going to die anyway!"


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