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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 631

In the beautiful valley which was dozens of kilometers away from the Full Moon City, Austin was completely engrossed.

He was closely studying the purple vital stone.

It was the first time that Austin got to have a divine weapon in his possession. He was a bit bewildered.

Fortunately Austin had learned a few things about the divine weapons earlier. He knew that it was the magic array that determined how powerful the divine weapon was.

Austin looked at the purple vital stone keenly. It was about thirty centimeters long, ten centimeters wide, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Though small in size, when held it felt quite heavy, like weighing a few tons.

Though studying it carefully, Austin wasn't able to find out which element the purple vital stone was made from. He only knew by now that it was a rough, dark purple stone, which was quite heavy.

Austin penetrated into the purple vital stone with his spiritual sense. It was just as he had expected. Indeed, there was a strange magic array which existed in it. The magic array was crisscrossed and echoed the earth's magnetic field. It gave off many rays of purple light. All the rays of light were connected to a radiant circle in the middle of the array. He could feel the circle moving slowly.

Austin was uncertain, yet he carefully put in some of his vital energy force into the purple vital stone.

He had seen Bessie do so to activate it.

Surprisingly, the stone didn't get activated at all. Austin put in more of his vital energy force into it but it was of no use.

'Why? Why isn't it working?

What's wrong? I did the same as Bessie had done. Then, why can't I activate it?'

Austin questioned himself. He stopped and tried to figure out the reason why his vital energy wasn't activating the purple vital stone.

After considering all options, he penetrated into the stone with his spiritual sense again. But this time he did it more carefully.

Finally, he found something!

The magic array in the purple vital stone was like an interlaced net. Austin found that there was another strange array, rather it was someone's spiritual sense that was hidden at the edge of the net.

Austin realized that the magic array was actually sealed by spiritual sense. This could only be done by one who was very powerful. It had been secured so cleverly that it was very hard to be found.

As Austin had a stronger spiritual sense now, he was able to find it. But it wasn't easy, he had located it after a lot of keen observation.

The question in Austin's mind was, who had sealed the array with spiritual sense? To his surprise, Austin sensed that it was Susan, the old woman who was the Elder of the Cyan Sect.

It was she who had hid a wisp of her spiritual sense in the array deeply.

'Oh! I see! The original owner of the purple vital stone was Susan. It must be that old bitch who gave it to that stewardess and told her to kill me.

If it weren't for the evil ape and the five corpse demons, I would have been killed by the damn stewardess.'

Austin thought.

He was angered by this act. He swore to himself that he would take revenge on Susan and the Cyan Sect. They would pay for attempting to kill him.

It was he, who had brought Sissi back safely. But Susan didn't seem to remember it. It was clear, she just wanted to kill him.

Austin was infuriated as he thought more about it. He wanted to take revenge from those who returned evil for good.

After finding out the strange spiritual sense was Susan's, Austin activated his own spiritual sense and strengthened it. 'What would happen if two wisps of spiritual senses met?' Austin wanted to know.

Susan was already at the Master Realm of cultivation base, so her spiritual sense was strong enough. Yet it was a bit weaker, compared to that of Austin.

It made Austin realize how strong his spiritual sense was.

'Wow, I have got the same level of spiritual sense as an Elder of the Master Realm.

Of course, some are strong and some are weak. Susan is an Elder and master of the Master Realm. She must have very strong spiritual sense, ' Austin thought.

He kept thinking how he could destroy this wisp of spiritual sense. Suddenly he had an idea. Austin hoped it would work so he closed his eyes, and focused on his spiritual sense. He kept strengthening his mind and finally Susan's spiritual sense started to fade away.

As the tussle was coming to end, Austin saw that Susan's spiritual sense took shape. It formed the image of Susan and she seemed to be shouting at him in his brain.


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