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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 633

The Cyan Light City was one of the three big cities in the Elite Holy Kingdom. It was smaller only when compared to the Elite City.

On the northeast side of the Cyan Light City, there was the magnificent mountain range called the Cyan Mountain. The Cyan Sect was based here, so it was a place of great importance for the cultivators of the Elite Holy Kingdom.

There was a rumor among the cultivators of the Elite Holy Kingdom. They said that the cultivation base of Benjamin, the Sect Leader of the Cyan Sect, had already reached the premium stage of the Astral Realm. Thus, there were only a few reclusive cultivators in the whole Elite Holy Kingdom who could match up to him.

Besides him, the Cyan Sect also had a lot of other masters, who were in the Master Realm or in the Imperial Realm. Therefore, no one in the Elite Holy Kingdom dared to provoke the Cyan Sect.

On this day, escorting Holy Daughter Sissi was Susan, the Elder of the Cyan Sect. She and her team had finally returned to the Cyan Mountain.

The return of the Holy Daughter was certainly a great event for the whole sect. Everyone had been concerned about her. Thus, there were many people who came to greet and welcome Holy Daughter Sissi.

Susan planned to visit Benjamin, the Sect Leader, after Sissi settled down safely. She wanted to discuss with the Sect Leader about the matter of letting Sissi enter the chamber of inheritance to practice in advance.

Just then, a disciple came to report that the stronghold of the Full Moon City was completely destroyed. The three stewards and most of their disciples who were guarding the stronghold were killed. Only eleven had been able to survive and escape. The stronghold was eventually burned down by a big fire, and there were not many bricks left of the ruins.

And the one behind all that destruction was a young man named Austin!

When she heard the distressing news, Elder Susan was so angry that she coughed up a mouthful of blood. Her body trembled and she couldn't speak a word for a long time. It was horrifying.

Sissi was totally shocked by the news as well.

With the great power of the Cyan Sect on their side, even the most eminent cultivators or dignitaries in the Elite Holy Kingdom showed respect to them. But now, the most ridiculous thing had happened. An unknown young man had destroyed their stronghold publicly.

'Is he taking revenge?' Sissi thought silently.

She became quiet and was troubled when she remembered Austin, the young man who had escorted her all the way to the Elite Holy Kingdom.

Soon, the headquarters of the Cyan Sect issued an order. A young man named Austin was listed on the List of Must Kill for the members of the Cyan Sect.

Austin's portrait and personal information were also distributed to all the disciples of the Cyan Sect in no time. There was no way this act could be ignored or pardoned.

At the same time, the Cyan Sect made a public announcement informing all the other forces in the Elite Holy Kingdom that if anyone would help them to kill Austin, the Cyan Sect would pay him a generous reward.

All the cultivators in the Elite Holy Kingdom were seen discussing who the young man named Austin was, and why was he being hunted down by the Cyan Sect.

They all knew that the Cyan Sect was one of the most powerful sects in the Elite Holy Kingdom. To offend the Cyan Sect was like suicide for any cultivator. They were intrigued as to what had the young man done to incur the wrath of the Cyan Sect. Slowly the news of his actions spread.

"A teenager killed so many cultivators of the Cyan Sect alone. So, this Austin certainly cannot be an ordinary cultivator even though he is young," one of them concluded.

Austin had never expected that he would become so famous and his name would spread like wildfire in the Elite Holy Kingdom so soon. . . .

After setting fire to the stronghold of the Cyan Sect, Austin immediately headed for the city gate with full speed.

Sissi had told him earlier that the Full Moon City was an important border city of the Elite Holy Kingdom. There were many forces stationed near the Full Moon City. He was afraid that in case some of Susan's good friends interfered, he wouldn't be able to escape from the city easily.

Therefore, the best thing for Austin to do now was to leave as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the eleven disciples of the Cyan Sect who survived had fled to the nearby streets. Looking back at their stronghold which was enveloped in flames, they all cried sadly. They had been in the Full Moon City for more than ten years, and had treated this place as their second home. Now it had been completely destroyed, and many of their friends had been killed.

"Hey! What happened to your stronghold? Did an enemy of your sect come to take revenge?" A voice was heard.

It was a handsome and elegant middle-aged man. He suddenly appeared in front of the disciples and asked them while his eyes were fixed at the burning stronghold.

"Is that you, my Lord?"

"My Lord, please stand in our favor, please!"

"Your grace, for the sake of your friendship with Elder Susan, please stand up for us!"

As soon as they saw the middle-aged man, the eleven disciples of the Cyan Sect started complaining about their misery. They looked upon him as if they had met a savior.

The middle-aged man, who had come unexpectedly, was the Lord of the Full Moon City. He was appointed by the royal family of the Elite Holy Kingdom to rule the city.

The disciples of the Cyan Sect fell on their knees in front of the Lord of the Full Moon City and begged for help.

Slowly they started to tell the whole story to the Lord of their city.

"Yeah? Really?

So, according to you, it was a young man named Austin who destroyed your stronghold.

It's incredible that a teenager could destroy the Cyan Sect's stronghold.


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