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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 657

"Hum, those six beasts must be this little thief's trickery."

The patriarch of the Wei Clan was both surprised and angry to see that a juvenile of less than twenty years' age was outstanding enough to control six ninth-level scorpion-tailed leopards.

'He could have been invincible in the Sky Realm with those six scorpion-tailed leopards alone.

Where is this mysterious and powerful young man from? Does he belong to the Meng Clan?

If he is really from the Meng Clan, that means that heaven never sealed off all of the exists to the Meng Clan.'

Suddenly, the patriarch recalled something else.

'Damn it. If this youth had stolen into the Crystal Cave and thieved our vital energy crystals away, then he should certainly have met my father.

Yet he has left the Crystal Cave haughtily and unscathed, which means that the worst must have befallen my father.'

The thought of this jolted the patriarch violently and he felt his outrage building.

At this moment, a group of forty or fifty of the Wei Clan members rushed out of the cave opening, shouting loudly enough to wake the dead.

"Have you seen the senior patriarch in the Crystal Cave?"

Concerned about the safety of his father, the patriarch of the Wei Clan immediately questioned them when he saw them.

"The senior patriarch?"

All of the clan members storming from the cave were amazed at his question.

"Seems we haven't,"

some of them whispered.

"But we found a body already torn to shreds at the end of the hall, it should not have been there. Perhaps that was he?"

some of them muttered.

"What? A body torn apart? Could it be?" the patriarch worried.

"Patriarch, no vital energy crystals were left in the cave, what has happened?"

Another clan member queried, their tone filled with confusion.

The patriarch of the Wei Clan was taken aback and stunned into speechlessness.

"No need to ask them, you should ask me.

You mean to ask about an old man whose cultivation base was at the primary stage of the Imperial Realm? He has been easily torn to pieces by me!"

Austin's voice sounded harshly into the stunned silence. At that moment he had put the six scorpion-tailed leopards into his beast-subduing bag.

Seeing the patriarch of the Wei Clan so anxious, he guessed at some hidden truth and had to chuckle while he spoke the words.


Hearing Austin's callous words, a wave of dizziness washed over the patriarch.

Those clan members who didn't know what had happened stared about in confusion, nor did they dare to ask the patriarch as he was so exasperated and dejected.

"Surround that little thief, I shall dismember him into pieces!"

The patriarch of the Wei Clan roared from between clenched teeth, he was almost blinded by rage and hatred of Austin.

"Ha-ha, dismember me into pieces, will you?

You and what army? Your rubbish warriors? Those impotent brutes?

Could you ever?"

Austin laughed loudly but without mirth at their poultry challenge.

"Well, I am leaving!"

He had obtained the vital energy crystals which he had come for. Now he was ready to go back and complete the task entrusted to him by Michelle by returning the vital energy crystals to their rightful owners.

As for the Wei Clan members, Austin could have slaughtered all of them with his ferocious strength, including the patriarch, but that was not his intention because he personally held no serious hatred towards them at all.

He had broken into the crystal mine belonging to the Wei Clan simply because he had promised Michelle to retrieve the vital energy crystals which originally belonged to the Meng Clan.

Now that he had taken back those vital energy crystals, he chose to leave immediately and avoid further conflict with the Wei Clan.

"Stop him, don't let him escape! It will be the end of our clan if he gets away."

The patriarch was almost fuming with indignation.

He took the lead and rushed over at Austin after swallowing his anger.

The remaining clansmen, including some whose cultivation base was at the Sky Realm, and those clan members who had called out, gathered around Austin. Their faces were crimson with anger and they boiled with indignation at having been forced to swallow some of their own medicine, with Austin taking the crystals back.

Austin smiled slightly and then disappeared, he was already 800 meters away from them when he appeared again.

All of the Wei Clan members and clansmen closed in on the space where he had been, but found nothing.

Some with more powerful spiritual senses immediately detected Austin's figure 800 meters away from them.

They were all slack-jawed as they stared at the place where he had been, for nobody had seen such a swift bodily movement skill before. He was like a ghost!

"Chase after him!"

The patriarch realized Austin's new position first and pursued after him.

Yet Austin exercised his bodily movement skill and, in a few blinks of an eye, he was already almost 2000 meters away from them, leaving only a shadow behind that was barely visible to the naked eye.

All of a sudden, Violet's voice reached into Austin's Soul Sea.

"Master, gnome has found something.

Over there in the northeast corner. Something seems to be buried under the ground."


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