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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 659

Austin was quite surprised. He hadn't expected the creature to be able to release vital energy to attack, just like cultivators did. He became more cautious and thrust his sword again.

"Clang! Clang..."

As the vital energy sword and the white light collided, the space around vibrated slightly.

Austin had figured out that the creature's competence was similar to that of a level nine diabolic beast. For him, it wasn't a threat at all. But in the beginning, he was shocked by the creature's attack. He wasn't familiar with the surroundings and knew nothing about the creature, so he fought it for a while unaware of its abilities.

Now, he knew the creature's real competence, and that meant he knew how to end the battle soon.

Austin immediately used the Brutal Blast Fist and punched the creature with a stroke of explosive fist force. The creature was going to take the hit. It struggled for quite a while and flapped its wings wildly, trying to fly away towards the depth of the mine.

In moments after it was hit by Austin's fist, it slowed down.

With a dumb thud, the explosive fist force exploded in its body. The creature swayed unsteadily and then fell to the ground, motionless.

Austin went closer to it. He observed the creature and stretched its wings carefully. He wanted to know more about this creature that had scared him out of his wits.

The beast was more than two meters high and covered with gray fur. It had no feathers on its wings. Rather the wings had a rugged skin membrane, making it look more like a huge bat.

"Master, this demonic beast is called the diabolic bat. It's a subterranean species, and hardly seen around. It's one of the rare species.

It's believed that the diabolic bats originate from ancient times. Their power and strength increases as time passes. An adult diabolic bat's competence is much higher than a level ten diabolic beast."

Violet gave him the information he needed.

"Violet, do you know how the power levels of the diabolic beasts are divided? What's the level above level ten diabolic beast?"

Austin asked, filled with curiosity.

He had never heard of the creature and was anxious to know more about the powers of a diabolic beast, especially about the diabolic bat.

"Above the level ten diabolic beast is the Beast Master. According to their competence, the Beast Masters can be divided into three levels, the preliminary level, the medium level and the premium level," Violet answered.

Austin nodded trying to save it all in his memory.

"When a diabolic bat grows up, it will have the adeptness of a preliminary stage Beast Master,"

Violet continued.

"So, a preliminary stage Beast Master's capabilities are similar to a human at the Master Realm, right?"

Austin asked.

"Probably! Master, the one you killed just now seems to be a baby diabolic bat, and its prowess is like a level nine diabolic beast,"

Violet informed him.

"Its capabilities can be similar to a cultivator at Master Realm! Does that mean if there is an adult diabolic bat in the mine, the only thing I can do is run away and escape?"

Austin was shocked. He would have no advantage if he was pushed into such a fight and he could get killed if he wasn't careful enough.

Austin still remembered how difficult it was for him when he had to fight the castellan of the Full Moon City. If he hadn't escaped in time, he would already have been dead.

"Ha-ha! Master, the method we calculate age is different from that of humans.

Many of the diabolic beasts are born to live a long life, especially the ones of rare species like the diabolic bat. I guess, they are still babies even if they are several hundred or even thousand years old. And an adult diabolic bat can live for at least four or five thousand years.

Master, do you think this mine has existed for thousands of years?

I think, it's unlikely that you will meet an adult diabolic bat here,"

Violet explained it all to Austin with a soothing smile.

"Oh, now I understood,"


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